GIVEAWAY: iPod Touch 64GB Third Generation!

11/13/2009 Posted by Admin

This is it--our final major giveaway of 2009--and winning the third generation iPod Touch 64GB is super easy.

To win this $399 item, you need to do a few things.

  • See those little buttons at the very top?  Please press them and share this on Facebook, ReTweet this on Twitter and Digg this if you have a Digg account.  Doing each counts as an entry.  Each time you do so counts as an additional entry.  Let us know you did so by commenting on this post below with your email address.
  • You *MUST* receive our email updates here.  (We won't Spam you or sell your email address--we'll just give you a daily digest of what you might have missed at WeekinRewind).  You must be signed up for those updates for the duration of this contest.

If you don't have a Twitter account or a Facebook account, you must sign up for the email update--you can't win if you don't (everyone has an email account). For additional entries, you may ReTweet this and add it to your Facebook account daily.  

  • Finally, to ensure that we don't miss anything, you *MUST* comment on this page and send an email to that you have entered. That's it!

This giveaway ends December 23, 2009, and it will be overnighted to the winner to arrive on December 24, 2009. You must remain an active subscriber of this site to win.

So, here's to December 23, 2009!

Also try these contests:

Winners will be selected randomly from all methods mentioned above.

Hope you win!


  • Digg
  • StumbleUpon
  • Yahoo! Buzz
  • Technorati
  • Facebook
  • TwitThis
  • MySpace
  • LinkedIn
  • Live
  • Google
  • Reddit
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  • Slashdot
  • Netvibes


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  1. Anonymous said...

    I have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mails and have e-mailed to you that i have entered.

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  2. Anonymous said...

    I have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  3. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  4. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  5. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  6. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  7. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  8. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  9. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining.

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  10. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  11. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  12. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  13. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  14. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  15. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  16. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  17. Tess said...

    Woohoo!!! Facebooked it four times already!

    Twittered three times!

  18. Barbara said...

    Shared on Facebook for 100 extra entries, thanks!

  19. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  20. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  21. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  22. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  23. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  24. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  25. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  26. Barbara said...

    Tweeted for 100 extra entries, thanks!

  27. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  28. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  29. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  30. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  31. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  32. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  33. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  34. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  35. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  36. bcmomtoo said...

    I shared your post on facebook. Is that the same as using the button here? either way, there's a link from my facebook to this post.

  37. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  38. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  39. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  40. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  41. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  42. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  43. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  44. myviolinsings said...

    comments for iphone 100 add'l entries

  45. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  46. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  47. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  48. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  49. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  50. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  51. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  52. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  53. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  54. Teri Dempski said...

    I have done as you have requested, Giftmaster. Now will you pick me? Please? Pretty please with a ribbon on top?

    Pick ME!

    Thanks for offering these great prizes.

  55. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  56. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  57. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  58. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  59. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  60. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  61. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  62. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  63. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  64. Sue Sweeps said...

    Daily tweet

  65. Unknown said...


  66. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  67. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  68. Anonymous said...

    have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your e-mail and have e-mailed you about joining

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  69. hilary said...

    shared as wel Hilary on facebook and rt on twitter

  70. Kristen said...

    Entered again here:

  71. Steve D said...

    100 entries! thanks.

  72. Steve D said...

    Another 100! Thanks.

  73. Karen said...

    retweeted for the 100 entries. username is dementia

  74. Priscilla said...

    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  75. Barbara said...

    Posted to Facebook too, thanks!

  76. phackett57 said...

    I tweeted, thanks for the 100 extra entries, I'd love to win this one

  77. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared on facebook, again

    erin neu

  78. Abby C. said...

    shared on facebook!!!

  79. Abby C. said...

    this giveaway rocks!

  80. Isolated Existence. said...

    I tweeted!

    isolatedexistence at

  81. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  82. Parisian Heart said...

    I'm still dreaming of this prize ... as I retweet about it! :)

  83. daren771 said...

    Great giveaway, just tweeted and broadcast message in facebook.

  84. Unknown said...

    ReTweeted and Dugg this morning. Please add 100 entries.

    pmradio @ gmail DOT com

  85. Tina12312 said...

    daily tweet

  86. gabz978 said...

    shared on facebook

  87. Kath said...

    100 More entries!!


    @kmwaffles on Twitter

  88. Kath said...

    100 More entries!!


    @kmwaffles on Twitter

  89. Joy and Melissa said...

    I follow on twitter and FB and have tweeted/posted the contest. @madly59/joy feix (FB) I am entering all the contests with this >> TODAY ONLY: 100 additional entries for all giveaways at Just leave a comment on the giveaway and note the 100. 12/02/2009

  90. Jenbutterfly said...

    Daily tweet.

  91. @graywolfpack said...

    Tweeted to enter

    100 extra entries please

  92. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  93. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  94. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted to enter

  95. AppleJill said...

    In for 100!

  96. Barbarawr said...

    I tweeted:
    I posted on Facebook:

    and I saw on Twitter that I can get 100 extra entries today!

    My email subscription goes to barbara529 at juno dot com .... for now.

  97. Anonymous said...

    I have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, facebooked, and dugg it. I have subscribed to your emails and emailed you about joining. I shall take the 100 entrees. Thanks

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  98. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted to enter

  99. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my family!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  100. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  101. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  102. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  103. ktwdg said...

    Put name in the hat too please!

  104. Unknown said...

    100 entry - Twitter tweet redeemed.

  105. chellyd said...

    retweeted and putting 100 for extra entries

  106. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  107. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  108. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  109. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  110. B's Mom said...

    Tweeted for my 100 entries

  111. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  112. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  113. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  114. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  115. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  116. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  117. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  118. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  119. Anonymous said...

    I have entered this contest.
    I have retweeted, commented, shared it on facebook, and dugg it. I shall take the 100 entrees for the comment and 100 entrees for sharing on face book. Thanks

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  120. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted to enter

  121. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted to enter

  122. @graywolfpack said...

    I’ve really, really want to win!! Entering again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack. Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  123. @graywolfpack said...

    I’ve really, really want to win!! Entering again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack. Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  124. @graywolfpack said...

    I’ve really, really want to win!! Entering again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack. Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  125. @graywolfpack said...

    I’ve really, really want to win!! Entering again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack. Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  126. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my family!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  127. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my family!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  128. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my family!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  129. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my family!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  130. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my family!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  131. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  132. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  133. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  134. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  135. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  136. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  137. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  138. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  139. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    Not sure how many times you can get the extra 100 entries, but if you can get them more than once, then I’ll take another 100 please.

  140. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted to enter

  141. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted to enter

  142. Douglas0327 said...

    I posted a tweet on twitter and shared on Facebook. Please count me in for the 100 extra entries. Thank you!

  143. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it! Please count me in for another 100extra entries. Thank you!

  144. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it! Please count me in for another 100extra entries. Thank you!

  145. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it! Please count me in for another 100extra entries. Thank you!

  146. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it! Please count me in for another 100extra entries. Thank you!

  147. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it! Please count me in for another 100extra entries. Thank you!

  148. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it! Please count me in for another 100extra entries. Thank you!

  149. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it! Please count me in for another 100extra entries. Thank you!

  150. Lili || Polishing It Up!! said...

    RT @WeekinRewind: GIVEAWAY: 100 ENTRIES PER TWEET! iPod Touch 64GB Third Generation.

    COMMENTING!! And on Twitter as liliofthevaley

  151. Andy said...

    Daily Entry! +100


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  152. Dawana said...

    100 extra entries!

    Hubby had his ipod stolen, this would be a great replacement.

  153. Sue Sweeps said...

    daily tweet

  154. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  155. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  156. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  157. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  158. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  159. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  160. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  161. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  162. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  163. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  164. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  165. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  166. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  167. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  168. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  169. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  170. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  171. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  172. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  173. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  174. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  175. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  176. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  177. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  178. Anonymous said...

    back for my daily dose - IN it to WIN it.

  179. Anonymous said...

    someone said 100 extra entries? ok, count me in it to win it.

  180. Anonymous said...

    give me all the entries I can get - in it to win it. Thx.

  181. Anonymous said...

    100 extra entries please. Count me in the group to win it.

  182. Anonymous said...

    one hundred extra - good number. Now in it to WIN the iPod Touch 64GB Third Generation.

  183. Edward29 said...

    100 entries if you please
    In to win

  184. Edward29 said...

    I'd love an Ipod.
    Sign me up for 100 entries.

  185. admin said...

    i tweeted it

    i also subscribed

    tylerdude17 at imap dot cc

  186. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  187. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  188. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  189. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  190. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  191. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  192. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  193. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  194. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  195. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  196. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  197. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
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    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  198. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
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    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  199. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  200. Priscilla said...

    * For 100 additional entries
    I'm entered
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

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