Tuesday, March 18, 2025

GIVEAWAY: Star Wars the Clone Wars: Season One!

11/12/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Star Wars the Clone Wars: Season One!

Own it on DVD Now!

Thanks to our friends at Warner Bros. for this opportunity!

Product description: "Executive Producer George Lucas and Lucasfilm Animation present Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Complete Season One. As war rages through the galaxy, the heroic Jedi, including Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and newcomer Ahsoka Tano, fight to maintain order and restore peace. Meanwhile, the Separatists, led by Count Dooku, his assassin Asajj Ventress and the evil General Grievous, plot to defeat the Republic and gain control.

Each episode takes you deeper in the universe, introducing new characters and exploring new planets along the way. With groundbreaking computer-generated animation and epic storytelling, this is a Star Wars adventure like never before!"

The contest will end on January 12, 2010.

We are giving away THREE copies.

To win on Twitter

  1. Follow us on Twitter. You must remain a follower for the duration of the contest.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.
  3. Tweet the following message as often as you wish to your readers. Each Tweet counts as one entry.
Just entered the Star Wars Clone Wars DVD Contest! 3 copies! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. http://xr.com/ofi He follows back!

To win if you're not on Twitter:

  1. Sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.

That's it!

Those seeking exclusive giveaways not found here should become a fan of our Facebook page by clicking the below graphic and selecting "Become a Fan."

Good luck!


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«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 291   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Fokxxy said...

    I follow you on twitter and am entering your contest!


  2. Ryan G said...

    I'm following you as well, and just tweeted about the contest!


  3. Diane Bassette said...

    I tweeted!

  4. Jillyrh said...

    Following you on twitter at jillyrh and tweeted contest.

  5. Zach P said...

    tweeting following in to win
    jjpdream atgmaildot com

  6. Michelle M said...

    Follow on Twitter and tweeted!


  7. Sharon Schoepe said...

    Follow on twitter and tweeted

  8. Ang said...

    Enter me please!!


    twitter id: justanarmywife

    facebook email: justanarmywife09(at)yahoo(dot)com

  9. Annie1 said...

    Brilliant, hubby would love this!

    I'll be a mad tweeter for a while!

    greeeneyedwhwom (twitter name)



  10. kakihara said...

    I'm a follower & I tweeted--My son would love this--his father will probably steel it from him--I bought my son a random Star Wars comic book--and my husband didn't want to let him read it --he wanted to put it in a sealed case--it was $5---hee hee hee.
    I tweet from darcysan at yahoo dotcom

  11. IB_Jr said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  12. Douglas0327 said...

    I entered with an email. Thank you!


  13. Michelle M said...

    Daily tweet!

  14. Catherine Barber said...

    I follow on twitter and am a fan on facebook. Love your contest and have tweeted. http://twitter.com/NeboBeads/status/5687624936

    bookbaby at gmail dot com

  15. Ken said...

    I don't have PayTV, so this is my chance to see it. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  16. pippirose said...

    I follow on Twitter...am entering your contest.
    I tweeted.
    http://twitter.com/pippirose77/status/5694850992 tweeted.

    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  17. Peggy said...

    Please enter me
    1.)I am an e-mail subscriber.
    2.)I follow you on Twitter {@velvet1116}
    3.)I am a fan on Facebook {Peggy Gorman}
    4.)I shared this on Facebook

  18. Anonymous said...

    I'm a follower! @KiddiesCorner I hope I win :)

  19. TheAtticGirl said...

    I follow you on twitter & am entering to win the Star Wars Clone Wars DVD.


    donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

  20. Anonymous said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/KiddiesCorner/status/5696363614

  21. PunkyMunky said...

    ow you on Twitter and I am entering! Araineyday on twitter.

  22. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm in Tweeted


  23. Michelle M said...

    Daily tweet - thanks!


  24. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/5718489587

  25. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  26. Bcteagirl said...

    Would LOVE a chance to win this! :)

    Follow and twittered:

    teagirl1 at telus dot net

  27. bcgirll said...

    I follow you on twitter

    hope this is my entry!

    tooluckyducky AT hotmail DOT com

  28. pjowens75 said...

    I just tweeted!


  29. Anonymous said...

    I follow you on twitter and on facebook!

  30. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/5738060168

  31. Ralph Siegel said...

    Crazy about anything Star Wars!!


  32. Michelle M said...

    Daily tweet! Thanks!

  33. Joshua said...

    I entered- Goth189@aol.com

  34. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/5769454951

  35. SlugBug said...

    I tweeted: http://twitter.com/slugbug55/status/5776482962

  36. @graywolfpack said...

    count me in! Tweeted

  37. @graywolfpack said...

    Enter again please
    tweeted again


  38. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/5799681616

  39. Anonymous said...

    I'm following you on Twitter. It would make my son's Christmas to win this!

  40. ktwdg said...

    Love all things Star Wars. Count me in.

  41. andy said...


  42. FitTechMJ said...

    I'm entered. @toolguy

  43. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again please
    tweeted http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/5827234129


  44. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/5830043869

  45. @graywolfpack said...

    Entered again


  46. Punked Mom said...

    Follow you on Twitter and just tweeted! Thanks!

  47. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/5864246513

  48. Logster55 said...



  49. Terra Heck said...


  50. @graywolfpack said...

    count me in again and again!

  51. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/5894294570

  52. ktwdg said...

    Love all things starwars!

  53. @graywolfpack said...

    Yes I am entering again and again. I want to win!!

  54. @graywolfpack said...

    Yes I am entering again and again. I want to win!!

  55. @graywolfpack said...

    Yes I am entering again and again. I want to win!!

  56. @graywolfpack said...

    Yes I am entering again and again. I want to win!!

  57. @graywolfpack said...

    Yes I am entering again and again. I want to win!!

  58. Anonymous said...

    Entered and retweeted.


  59. Anonymous said...

    Entered and retweeted.


  60. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/5930420546

  61. Euphoria13 said...

    Entered and tweeted www.twitter.com/Mevurah

  62. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/5946958082

  63. Edward29 said...

    In to win.
    Daily entry

  64. @graywolfpack said...

    Tweeted to enter


  65. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/5984320871

  66. Misscrabbypants said...

    In it to win it!


  67. NeboBeads said...

    just entering again - don't want you to forget me :) Still tweeting. Here is another of my tweets:

    Your friendly facebook fan, twitter follower & blog poster! :)
    bookbaby at gmail dot com

  68. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6012709356

  69. mich0825 said...

    twitter follower, mhohertz, and tweeted

  70. mich0825 said...

    retweeted mhohertz


  71. mich0825 said...



  72. mich0825 said...

    please enter me in contest too :)


  73. mich0825 said...

    just retweeted again

  74. mich0825 said...

    retweeted again

  75. kristend228 said...

    I follow; and I retweeted.



  76. Unknown said...

    Tweet, tweet

  77. Megan @ Book Brats said...

    Tweeted! @squirrelsohno

  78. Frank said...

    Entered & tweeted: @FrankRamblings

  79. VegasLiz said...


  80. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6050764226

  81. Jillyrh said...

    Tweeted at jillyrh

  82. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6081498599

  83. Misscrabbypants said...



    Happy thanksgiving

  84. Misscrabbypants said...

    Tweeting on thanksgiving.


  85. brennaboo said...

    Tweet - http://twitter.com/brennaboo/status/6100453787

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  86. יצחק said...

    i'm in @yitzy4

  87. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6119543225

  88. @graywolfpack said...

    Tweeted to enter

  89. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my son!!
    I subscribe to your email at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  90. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my son!!
    I subscribe to your email at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  91. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my son!!
    I subscribe to your email at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  92. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my son!!
    I subscribe to your email at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  93. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. Come on, make me a hero with my son!!
    I subscribe to your email at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  94. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6141110112

  95. mich0825 said...

    RT #1, mhohertz


  96. mich0825 said...

    RT #2, mhohertz


  97. mich0825 said...

    RT #3, mhohertz


  98. mich0825 said...

    RT #4, mhohertz


  99. mich0825 said...

    RT #5, mhohertz


  100. Andrew said...

    I'm commenting here for the 100 extra Thanksgiving weekend entries. Thanks!

  101. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6171185009

  102. misternat1 said...

    not up to tweeting but - I'm in this one too

  103. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6201895414

  104. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted to win

  105. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6236865327

  106. Cheryl said...

    Retweeted @HeartnSoulmom


    Please add 100 entries (as posted on twitter tonight)

  107. Cheryl said...

    I dugg this on DIGG


    Please add 100 entries (as stated on twitter tonight)

  108. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6270523315

  109. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted to enter

    looking for those 100 extra entries as well.

  110. ktwdg said...

    Love all things Star Wars. Count me in.

  111. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email entry for this giveaway. Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you!


  112. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email entry for this giveaway. Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you!


  113. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email entry for this giveaway. Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you!


  114. Edward29 said...

    Count me in for 100 entries to win.

  115. Edward29 said...

    Entry 100 how about 101 to win

  116. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6305056278

  117. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!


  118. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!


  119. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!


  120. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!


  121. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!


  122. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!


  123. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!


  124. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6339176993

  125. starwarsfans said...

    I just followed you on Twitter and posted the Tweet for the contest.

  126. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it! Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you! sweepdoug@comcast.net

  127. Anonymous said...

    teapot01 ENTERED

  128. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6371034730

  129. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6403710228

  130. Edward29 said...

    Entering to win

    Thanks for another great giveaway.

  131. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6434465812

  132. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6468279180

  133. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6498078729

  134. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6537716023

  135. knoxsweeps said...

    I entered! http://twitter.com/knoxsweeps/status/6554027057

  136. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6572867062

  137. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6605191047

  138. Mike said...

    Dugg It

  139. Mike said...

    tweeted - http://twitter.com/UK_Mike_P/status/6607600289

  140. Mike said...

    Facebook fan

  141. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6634094626

  142. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  143. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6667380179

  144. Tlieso said...

    Hello! You have so many great contests! Following you on Twitter.

  145. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6699817865

  146. TheAtticGirl said...

    daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/6735338987

  147. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  148. mich0825 said...

    I follow you on twitter and RT this contest again, mhohertz


  149. Anonymous said...

    Following on twitter @Veronicatx

    I'm a fan on facebook
    Sent a tweet here:

    I am subscribed to the newsletter email.

    Please enter me!! Hope to win this for my baby!



  150. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  151. El Tracio said...

    I retweeted.


  152. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  153. Luvlee L. said...

    I would love to get this for my brother. retweeted @samsonlover

  154. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  155. Chris said...

    I'm entering!



  156. Chris said...

    Tweet entry - http://twitter.com/chrisec/status/6936941960


  157. Luvlee L. said...

    Daily entry tweeted.


  158. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  159. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  160. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  161. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  162. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  163. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  164. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  165. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  166. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  167. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/6982898449

  168. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/6982898449

  169. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/6982898449

  170. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  171. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  172. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  173. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  174. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  175. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  176. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  177. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Emailed Entries.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  178. Anonymous said...

    twitter follower


    FB fan


  179. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  180. @graywolfpack said...

    Enter me in the contest. I follow, fan, share, dugg it, and tweeted http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7068267128

  181. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  182. miss_moneymaker said...

    I entered & tweeted.

    sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

  183. Unknown said...


  184. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  185. The CyberWeasel said...

    entered on twitter @alexdou

  186. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  187. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7143580589

  188. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7143580589

  189. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7143580589

  190. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7143580589

  191. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7143580589

  192. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7143580589

  193. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7143580589

  194. Nicky Russell said...

    Following on Twitter and RT'd @paulinepppp

  195. E. Gibson said...

    I entered

  196. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7180036677

  197. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7180036677

  198. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7180036677

  199. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7180036677

  200. @graywolfpack said...

    I'm entering to win. I follow, subscribe, fan, share, and dugg it!
    Twittered http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/7180036677

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