Wednesday, March 26, 2025

"Leap Year" Movie Trailer Review

11/18/2009 Posted by Admin

By our guest blogger, Rob Stammitti

"Leap Year," aimed for a release in January, is about a woman (portrayed by the wonderful Amy Adams) who is desperately in love with her boyfriend (Adam Scott) and wants to marry him. Of course, because this is a romantic comedy, instead of being sensible and just discussing marriage with the man, "Leap Year" is about Adams' quest to travel to Dublin, where her boyfriend is working, and propose to him on February 29, because according to Irish legend the man must accept a proposal if given to him on Leap Day of the Leap Year.

Obviously, it can't be that simple, though. As the newly released trailer shows (among other things, I feel as if I've seen the whole film already, really), Adams' flight gets rerouted to Wales and she has to find a ride to Dublin. The charming and, most importantly, sober Matthew Goode decides to give her a ride, because this is Ireland. Everyone else in the motel she ends up in is completely smashed.

What follows are a series of misadventures, and Adams begins to fall for Goode's character along the way. I won't reveal any more, because even though it's all in the trailer, it feels like spoilers to me.

Obviously, this film isn't aimed at my demographic, but that doesn't stop me from being pretty offended by the whole idea of a woman needing to go through trials and tribulations in a stereotyped Ireland just to be able to propose to her boyfriend. I also don't buy into the whole, "I'm not really living unless I'm married!" mentality that the trailer (and the film, of course) seems to have.

I'm a big fan of Amy Adams, she was great in "Junebug," "Doubt" and "Sunshine Cleaning," and Goode has been passable in multiple roles (most notably as the villain in "The Lookout"), so their performances and chemistry might pay off somewhat. Either way, I'll probably be passing on this one.

Trailer is below. Thoughts?

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Trailer does reveal too much.

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