Friday, March 14, 2025

NEW GIVEAWAY UPDATE: iPod Touch 64GB! 100 additional entries!

12/12/2009 Posted by Admin

NOTE: A NEW update--and it's just an update. If you've entered before, I have all your entries logged. Feel free to keep playing!

In the short time left before we giveaway the iPod Touch 64GB on December 23, 2009 for overnight delivery on December 24, we're once again shaking up this contest, our Playstaton 3 Slim contest, and our MacBook Air contest--and adding new life to them.

Here's how it works. To receive your 100 additional entries, look to the buttons on the upper right of this post and share the link to this giveaway on your Facebook account. Also, comment on this post that you did so--we'll know f you did each.  That's it!

It's the holiday season--which is the reason behind the sharing aspect of the giveaway.

Good luck!


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«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 2611   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Stephanie said...

    I posted on facebook. Give me my 1,000 entries please.

  2. Kristen said...

    Entering again.

  3. Viclen1954 said...


  4. Stil29 said...

    posted on twitter and fb!

  5. Anonymous said...

    Facebook and Twitter

    Thank you!


  6. Anonymous said...

    I posted on Twitter.

    on Facebook

  7. Trish said...

    I tweeted on twitter

  8. Edward29 said...

    Shared on Facebook, retweeted, emailed, and Dugg for for 1000 entries.

  9. John said...

    i tweeted on my twitter account!!

  10. Priscilla said...

    I've retweeted the link
    psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  11. Abby C. said...

    tweeted (@cdnexpat08) and shared on facebook! abiana conliffe

  12. KMP50 said...

    Shared on Facebook and retweeted!

  13. Barbara said...

    I tweeted

    Posted on Facebook

    And dugg it (gr8tjoy)


  14. AppleJill said...

    I shared this on Twitter for 1000 entries!

  15. Arthur Lockman said...

    I posted on Twitter! 100 entries please!

  16. Misscrabbypants said...

    1000 entries please!

  17. Treymommy said...

    I posted on facebook.

  18. hilary said...

    just done both on twitter and facebook

  19. Taylor said...


  20. Jenbutterfly said...

    I retweeted.

    jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com

  21. Edward29 said...

    I emailed the name of the movie for 1000 entries.
    I also reTweeted, Fackbooked, and Dugg on Digg.

  22. Anonymous said...

    I have tweeted about it

  23. B's Mom said...

    Working on 1000 entries by tweeting

  24. phackett57 said...

    I FB and tweeted, thanks for the 1,000 extra's

  25. Tess said...

    Yay, found the reference!!!

    I've shared on Twitter and Facebook, and I've emailed the reference, too!


  26. ~dab said...

    tweeted for 1K entries

  27. Kawtay said...

    I tweeted, shared on FB, and emailed the reference for 1000 entries.

    Twitter name is @brokentoyplanes.


  28. Jody (concisecactus) said...

    Tweeted 1000 entries to email you.

  29. ~dab said...

    Found it! I emailed you.

  30. Zach said...

    Tweeted for 1,000 extra entries. Wow. Whoever wins this is gonna be lucky. :D

  31. Parisian Heart said...

    I have searched and searched ... Gotta get some sleep. I'm hoping this offer will be valid all day Sunday.

  32. Andy said...


  33. Geri said...

    I found the show intriguing and am dissapointed I missed a couple of episodes. I'd love to watch the whole season again.

  34. biiisma said...

    posted on facebook

    and twitted again!!

  35. Andrew said...

    I shared the link on Facebook and retweeted:

  36. Ľubaša said...

    I retweeted on twitter
    plus 1000 entries.:-)

  37. Ľubaša said...

    i shared it on facebook
    Ľubica Kotmániková

  38. mybizzyworld said...

    I shared on facebook, and retweeted for my 1000 entries


  39. Unknown said...


  40. tannawings said...


  41. Lucy Snyder said...

    RTed @ theresashadow
    and shared on facebook today

  42. Karen said...

  43. Fibro Fog and More... said...

    I shared on Facebook, retweeted and shared on Digg. Thanks for the contest!!

  44. Douglas0327 said...

    I shared on facebook,posted a tweet on twitter, and dugg on digg. I sent an email with the review. Please count me in for the extra 1000 entries. Thank you!

  45. Gorskino10 said...

    Re-Tweeted on Twitter :)


  46. Bargain Boy said...

    Hi There, I've posted on facebook and tweeted :)

  47. Edward29 said...

    Entering again

  48. Edward29 said...

    Tweeted, shared, and email my entrees

  49. Vicky C. said...
    12/06 I tweeted here.
    I posted and shared on Facebook.
    Facebook/vickykoen TY!!
    t42vek20 at gmail dot com

  50. Carma Sez said...


  51. Punked Mom said...


  52. Sue Sweeps said...

    1000 entries tweet

  53. rholst26 said...

    I posted On face book thank you for my thousand entries .

  54. Debbie said...

    Tweeted for 1000 entries please!


  55. medicgeek said...

    ok, retweeted, share on fb, and comment but can't digg. It stated that the url is too long!! Any idea how to fix this??
    Will email in a while =)

    fb:jonathan smith
    twitter: wmgeek

  56. Cricket said...

    Entered, retweeted!

  57. medicgeek said...

    yeap!! dugg the post~

    fb:jonathan smith
    twitter: wmgeek

  58. @graywolfpack said...

    I tweeted the contest
    I emailed you the info requested at

  59. tomgirlbc said...

    I tweeted and FB, the web site, hope i win please give me extra 1000 points

  60. Anonymous said...

    I have retweeted this message.

    Twitter Account: Messo64


  61. Niurka said...

    I tweeted(id lindalatina).

  62. Anonymous said...


  63. CATHIE said...

    tweeted @greatmasteryoda

  64. Barbara said...

    Tweeted today, thanks!

  65. Barbara said...

    Posted to FAcebook

  66. Carma Sez said...

    I emailed you the movie review name (and tweeted the link to this post)


  67. Barbara said...

    Dugg (gr8tjoy)

  68. Sue Nodes said...

    I tweeted and FB your giveaway! I am going ot look for the reference~

  69. phackett57 said...

    daily entry, thanks for the 1,000 extra entries

  70. Anonymous said...

    I am serious enough to play this game but do not meet the new requirements - BUT will take the longer route and do the search. So, will continue to play my regular game and leave it to the Random Generator to do its' thing. IN it to WIN it.

  71. Smileleigh/Twitter said...

    Entering again, ReTweeted and sending you an e-mail for my extra 1000 entries! Cool contest!



  72. gabz978 said...

    I shared on facebook. 1,000 entries please.

  73. Parisian Heart said...

    Yay! I found the review and e-mailed you the answer. Of course, I have continued to retweet! Oh, how I hope to win!

  74. Fides said...

    retweeted by @fidesfashion, now on the hunt for the movie...

  75. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  76. Scott said...

    Dugg (Digg #7 again) and emailed you!

  77. Whippeteer said...

    I posted on FB.

  78. starwarsfans said...

    Shared this link on my Facebook account.

  79. Nicole Brady said...

    I retweeted.


  80. Isolated Existence. said...

    I tweeted!

    isolatedexistence at

  81. ktwdg said...

    Used the RT button. TY!


  82. jays7 said...

    RT, and email on its way, thanks! @jays7

  83. Jordan McKinney said...


  84. Parisian Heart said...

    'Just retweeted. 'Really want to win this!! :)

  85. phackett57 said...

    daily entry, thanks

  86. phackett57 said...

    daily entry, thanks

  87. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  88. Sue Cloutier said...

    Retweeted. I'd love an iPod Touch!

  89. lovetodo22 said...

    I retweeted at
    1,000 entries please
    Nathan Gardner

  90. Adam said...

    Tweeted @ Dual45s


  91. Charlotte said...

    Ok, retweeted at

  92. Barbara said...

    Tweeted :-)

  93. ErichD said...

    I published all three....


    Digg: hoyaman

    Twitter: click my name(!)

  94. hadme(at)hello said...

    re-tweeted @ catharticnotion
    dugg @ two2birds

  95. phackett57 said...

    daily entry, thanks

  96. Penny F. said...

    I shared the link on Facebook and tweeted once again:

    I'm off to do some searching! You are making this really, really fun Chris :)
    naturetoclick (at) yahoo (dot) com
    Thanks for the extra 1000 entries. Not sure how you are able to keep count though!

  97. Penny F. said...

    Well I have searched each title in the sections and never found the link so I am done for the night. Chris I hope this is going for a few days yet..with company the next 2 days I won't have as much time to look it over again. Does searching and not finding give me any points? LOL

  98. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  99. Kendra said...

    Tweeted about this here:

  100. Unknown said...

    Tweeted @emilyrosenj

  101. Unknown said...

    Tweeted @emilyrosenj

  102. Barbara said... Daily tweet, thanks!

  103. Unknown said...

    ted on Twitter:

  104. Anonymous said...


  105. Parisian Heart said...

    I'm back to enter again. I just retweeted. I'm assuming the 1000 entries is a one-time privilege, and I e-mailed that entry (with the answer) to you already. Thanks again.

  106. Anonymous said...

    tweeted and found the movie review!

  107. KimberlyFDR said...

    I retweeted it! Sending you the email now :)

  108. Anonymous said...

    Ooops- Not sure what happened... I thought I did this already but I don't see my comment... Okay, again, I have e-mailed you that I signed up for your e-mail updates. I also opened a facebook and "shared" the contest link I was at. I also follow on twitter. I am Luv2CUSmile on facebook and Luv2CUSmyle on Twitter. I am having a problem getting my name to show here. I am still going through reviews and as soon as I find the "item" I will e-mail you as well. Thx for doing this. Very nice and someone will have a great Christmas! Should I add my e-mail here? Or how do you do contact about winner?

  109. phackett57 said...

    I'm in, thanks

  110. Anonymous said...

    Found it! I also e-mailed it to you and "shared" this link at Facebook. Oh! & again this is Luv2CUSmile at Facebook - YAY! 1000 pts more!

  111. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  112. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  113. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  114. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest
    and emailed your answers.

  115. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  116. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  117. Anonymous said...

    I cant make the 1000 extra entries so I therefore ask that my One entry be counted.

  118. phackett57 said...

    I'm in, thanks

  119. Douglas0327 said...

    I shared on facebook and posted a tweet on twitter. Please count me in for a chance to win. Thank you!

  120. Annelie said...

    I entered:

  121. Luv2CUSmile said...

    retweet! I see I have started off wrong not doing separate posts for all my finds... Hope the 1000 extra entries helps!

  122. Parisian Heart said...

    'Retweeted just now. Thank you for the entries!

  123. JanSKay said...

    Tweeted, FB, and Dugg all over :)

  124. Andrew said...

    I shared this on Facebook.

  125. Kelly said...

    I just shared it! SO much easier!

    I've also been retweeting for a while...just letting you know again...

  126. Kat C said...

    Thanks for the extra entries
    I just shared on my Facebook
    Kathryn Church

  127. Edward29 said...

    I shared on Facebook for an additional 100 entries.

  128. Brian said...

    I posted it on facebook!
    And i RT'd on Twitter!

  129. brizmus said...

    did all three!
    facebook - Audrey Elaine Baker
    RT - @brizmus
    dugg it - brizmus

  130. Pricousins said...

    Shared on FB.

  131. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  132. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  133. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  134. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  135. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  136. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  137. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  138. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  139. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  140. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  141. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  142. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  143. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  144. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  145. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  146. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  147. eddiew said...

    Hey! I shared! I guess that's my hundred entries

  148. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  149. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  150. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  151. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  152. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  153. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  154. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  155. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  156. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  157. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  158. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  159. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  160. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  161. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  162. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  163. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  164. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  165. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  166. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  167. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  168. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  169. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  170. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  171. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on Facebook. Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you!

  172. jcaplus2 said...

    retweeted & share link on facebook
    100 extra entries please! Grazie <3

  173. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  174. KimberlyFDR said...

    Shared on Facebook! :D

  175. Abby C. said...

    shared on FB! (abiana conliffe)


  176. Carrie said...

    I tweeted, now give me 100 please!! Thanks

  177. Anonymous said...


    I'm a facebook fan.

  178. Miss-E said...

    I shared on Facebook. Can i have my 100 entries plz. ;) Thanks

  179. Miss-E said...

    I shared on facebook.
    may i have my 100 entries plz?

  180. Miss-E said...

    I follow on twitter.

  181. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted and dugg.

  182. gabriell said...

    I've posted on Facebook and Twitter..

  183. Anonymous said...

    I posted on face book thanks an give me my extra entries please. Mr. Bill

  184. daren771 said...

    Just shared on facebook and twitter.

  185. Colo12 said...

    posted on facebook. love to win. thaks

  186. hadme(at)hello said...

    I posted on Facebook.

  187. Barbara said...

    Woohoo, really, another 100 just for sharing on FB? THANKS!

  188. Anonymous said...

    I shared on Facebook

  189. henhenmac said...

    tweeted and facebooked

  190. Bill K said...

    Posted on my facebook

  191. Julee said...

    I just shared on Facebook!!

  192. Raz said...

    Shared on facebook:

  193. Trish said...

    I posted on facebook!! Thanks for the extras!!

  194. Diane Bassette said...

    I shared on facebook

  195. phackett57 said...

    I'm in, thanks

  196. Deanna said...

    I shared the link to the giveaway on Facebook -

  197. Redlizzy1 said...

    I shared and tweeted. Thanks again for all the cool contests.

  198. gabz978 said...

    i shared on my facebook 100 entries please

  199. caliguy said...

    sharing is caring. so i shared it.

  200. TraceMe said...

    Shared on facebook!

    Thank you for the giveaway!

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