Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Fox Celebrates 75 Years of Film with Poster Series

6/17/2010 Posted by Admin

20th Century Fox is celebrating 75 years of film. To support this celebration, they’ve come out a series of posters highlighting some of their more famous films. Check them out below and let us know what you think.

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  1. Edward29 said...

    Wow 75 years of film.
    Film is so young.
    That's like a minimum three four family generations.
    There are probably actors who are still alive today who started their professions on the stage. They may have never imagined millions\billions of people would see their performances on screen, at home, or even on an iPad while sitting under a tree in the park.

    All the posters are awesome by the way.
    My favs are the Alien and Independence Day posters.

  2. Hrushikesh Ghatpande said...

    Some of them are too funny, though the concepts look great!
    Great idea. 75 years is a long long time, yet it feels no old.

  3. Unknown said...

    you are really great fox 75 is very long my father also might not born before that congratulations