“The Killer” to Get the Hollywood Remake Treatment
Movie News
By our guest blogger, Joe Oliveto
I like to think of myself as a generally positive, optimistic guy, especially in regards to my opinion of Hollywood. While I certainly agree that most studio executives value money far more than art, I can’t help but look back on this past year and conclude that, despite all the opposing forces that threaten to flood our screens with mindless drivel, good films do get made.
Sadly, good films also get remade. Now personally, I have nothing against remakes in general. “The Fly,” “The Thing” and even the 1970s version of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” all prove to me that there’s nothing wrong with revisiting an old story and giving it another go.
But there are some movies which are masterpieces, movies which can’t be improved upon. “The Godfather.” “Star Wars.” And, for fans of action, John Woo’s “The Killer.”
Woo’s hitman-with-a-heart-of-gold story is a classic of its genre and serves as evidence that an action film can reach into the realm of high art simply by virtue of making the viewer feel alive and excited about cinema. You can’t make it any better.
But, of course, you can make it more appealing to a wider American audience. By remaking it in English. And 3-D.
Yeah, Deadline reported the terrible, awful, no good very bad news. “The Killer” is getting the American remake treatment, and while John Woo has signed on as producer of the film, we can’t help but wonder what the point is. If viewers won’t watch the original because they dislike reading subtitles, that’s their loss. We can’t tarnish a legacy simply for commercial reasons, and don’t for one moment imagine that there are any motivations behind this project besides money.
The movie will be directed by John H. Lee. Do you know why that’s a problem?
He’s not John Woo.
It’s a shame.
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