Zack Galifianakis Joins Supernatural Comedy
Movie News
By our guest blogger, Joe Oliveto
It can be tough to blend comedy with any genre that requires special effects (see photo at left, which succeeds). As Roger Ebert pointed out in his original review of “Ghostbusters,” effective special effects movies depend on perfect timing and attention to detail, whereas effective comedies often rely on spontaneity and improvisation. That’s why comedies are rarely visual stunners; the cinematography can’t be too intricately choreographed without restricting the creativity of the performers. Some movies pull off a balance (like, well, “Ghostbusters”), but those films are few and far between.
So, we’re a little wary about “R.I.P.D.,” a supernatural comedy based on a series of comics about a police force which battles recently deceased spirits who are unable to move on to the other side. If the talent involved isn’t strong enough, it could be a failure.
Luckily, according to The Hollywood Reporter, at least one immensely talented performer has joined the cast. Zack Galifianakis will play the goofball roll opposite pretty-boy Ryan Reynolds. Galifianakis is one of those special comedians who appears to have no ego to speak of; he’s completely willing to make a fool out of himself if it means getting a few laughs. Odds are, if there’s any comedy in this movie, it will come from him.
We’re not putting Reynolds down—his work in “Buried” recently cemented his reputation as a capable actor—but he’s not the funniest guy on the planet.
Then again, “R.I.P.D.” may not be a strict comedy when it finally comes together. There’s obviously an action element at work here, and it is possible that the studio will focus more on that attribute of the story (although that would render Galifianakis’ involvement fairly pointless).
We’ll have to follow this one to see how it all turns out, but both Galifianakis and Reynolds are popular enough to recover if the film doesn’t work out as well as those involved hope.
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