Woody Harrelson Cast in Adaptation of ‘The Hunger Games’

5/12/2011 Posted by Admin

Woody Harrelson Cast in Adaptation of ‘The Hunger Games’

Movie News

By our guest blogger, Joe Oliveto

With the “Harry Potter” franchise winding down, another young-adult series needs to take its place, and if all goes well, it appears as though Suzanne Collins’ “Hunger Games” trilogy will be the next in line. Having already attracted massive interest from readers, a cinematic adaptation of the first book in the series is in development, with Jennifer Lawrence appearing in the lead role.

Deadline reports that we can now add Woody Harrelson’s name to the cast. He’ll be taking on the role of Lawrence’s mentor in the film.

As far as adaptations of these kinds of books go, well, Hollywood has been inconsistent over the past few years. While “The Lord of the Rings” films are instant classics and most of the “Harry Potter” movies satisfied fans, the “Twilight” films have been detestable and the “Chronicles of Narnia” movies don’t quite live up to the promise of the books.

However, we have high hopes for “The Hunger Games.” The novels are original and engaging, and the talent in front of the camera is impressive. So long as all the pieces fall into place and studio interference doesn’t botch the project, we ought to be in for a great cinematic ride.

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  1. Some Lucky Dog said...

    Although I'm far from a "young adult", I loved this trilogy. I knew someone would pick up the movie rights. I'm so hoping they do it right with great special effects (especially in the arena) and staying true to the story!