‘Spider-Man’ Reboot to Focus on Real Stunts

5/12/2011 Posted by Admin

‘Spider-Man’ Reboot to Focus on Real Stunts

Movie News

By our guest blogger, Joe Oliveto

With the overall disappointment that was “Spider-Man 3” still fresh in audiences’ minds, many have wondered whether or not there is really any reason to reboot the franchise so soon. (We know the real reason involves money, but hey, we can still ask the naïve questions from time to time.)

However, to be fair, it looks as though Sony is putting together a promising picture for us. First of all, they’ve cast Andrew Garfield as the web-slinger, and having proven himself to be a tremendously skilled young actor in “Never Let Me Go” and “The Social Network,” we’re confident that he can do the role justice. On top of that, Emma Stone, who is quickly showing the world that she is more than just a pretty face, will be taking on the role of Gwen Stacy, with veteran stars Martin Sheen and Sally Field playing Uncle Ben and Aunt May, respectively.

With Marc “500 Days of Summer” Webb stepping in as director, this might end up being more than just a cash-in.

Additionally, we now have some slight confirmation that, in terms of style, it won’t be a rehash of what we’ve already seen. Ain’t It Cool News has an interview with stunt coordinator Vic Armstrong who told the site that the filmmakers focused on incorporating real stunts into the movie, rather than relying on CGI, which came to dominate the action scenes of the original franchise. In an age where every single special effect appears to have been created on a computer, it is refreshing to know that some people are turning back towards real stunts.

We’re excited to see how this all turns out.

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