Absolutely Fabulous: Absolutely Everything (2008)

5/30/2008 Posted by Admin

“Absolutely Fabulous: Absolutely Everything”

So far, the best boxed comedy set of the year.

Is there a brighter, dumber, sharper, looser and more spectacular mess than Edina Monsoon (Jennifer Saunders) and Patsy Stone (Joanna Lumley)?


These two pill-popping, booze-swilling, grass-smoking, youth-seeking former hippies turned style icons make for one of the funniest series ever created by the BBC, which is saying plenty given its pedigree.

Highlights include the episodes “Parralox,” in which Edina and Patsy experiment disastrously with a substance not unlike Botox; Eddy and Patsy joining Menopausals Anonymous in the life-changing “Menopause”; and the unforgettable trip each takes with poor, unwanted Saffy in “Morocco.”

It’s the rare television sitcom that consistently delivers through to the end, but that’s the case here--the series concluded while it was still hot, thus securing its spot in pop-culture’s revered canon of the best of the best.

As a bonus for the show’s hard-core female fans, the set comes sheathed in a silver-padded case that could, in a pinch, serve as a daytime purse.

Inside are nine discs, 36 episodes, three specials, and four hours of behind-the-scenes bonus material. And yes, every bit of it is fabulous. Absolutely everything.

Grade: A

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  1. Anonymous said...

    good prize

  2. Anonymous said...

    Omgosh, I absolutely love these two women!! Jennifer Saunders, in my opinion is a genius!! I laugh until my tummy hurts watching these two!!


  3. Anonymous said...

    Jennifer Saunders is wonderful. Such a great set to win.

  4. Anonymous said...

    Thank you for this giveaway! It is great!