Blades of Glory: Blu-ray (2008)

5/30/2008 Posted by Admin

“Blades of Glory” Blu-ray

A figure skating satire in which somebody naturally gets kneecapped.

Will Ferrell is the alcohol-soaked, oversexed figure skater Chazz Michael Michaels, whose war with Jon Heder’s uptight Jimmy MacElroy gets each banned for life from the sport when they come to fisticuffs.

It takes a loophole to get them back on the rink, this time as a squabbling male couple who enter the pairs competition.

The laughs are inspired and big, and while you wish the movie was as cruel as you know the figure skating world is, at least it isn't afraid to be silly. Supporting turns from Will Arnett and Amy Poehler underscore that notion.

They are the death spiral in this entertaining cinematic Salchow.

Read the full, unedited review here.

Rated PG-13. Grade: B+

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  1. Anonymous said...

    good prize