Matt Damon & Ben Affleck More Than Just Friends

10/10/2009 Posted by Admin

So, it's true!

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are indeed more than just friends. And if you're anything like me, you thought all along that this was true.

But how close are they?

Read below to find out just how close.

According to E!:

Jokes about their level of closeness and who's banging Jimmy Kimmel aside, it turns out the longtime pals and Oscar-winning screenwriters really are more than friends and writing partners. In fact, they're related!

According to the New England Genealogical Society, the actors are both descendants of bricklayer William Knowlton Jr., an Englishman who settled in Ipswich, Mass., around 1630.

That would make Affleck and Damon approximately 10th cousins, once removed. Affleck was born in Berkeley, Calif., but spent his formative years in Boston, where he and Damon became friends.

So, they're cousins. Not kissing cousins, as some of you likely were expecting. For the gossipers out there, sorry to disappoint.

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