UPDATE: GOT FACEBOOK? Win a New iMac 27"!

1/09/2010 Posted by Admin

(First, don't worry--nothing has disappeared. I have all of your previous entries and comments logged.)

UPDATE #2:  Each time you share this on your Facebook account and let us know in the comments section of this post, we'll check--and you'll be entered.  Each "share" equals one entry--you can share as often as you like.

You must be a member of the site for the duration of the contest to win.  DO SO BY CHOOSING EITHER ONE:

Subscribe to our feed here.

Receive email updates here.

Make sure you comment on this post that you are a member; we'll check and, if you are, you're good to go.  Since this is a $1,700 giveaway, playing will change over the following weeks until we give the iMac away on March 13, 2010 (my birthday!).  This is the first of several updates that will keep the contest interesting.

Don't forget that we giveaway lots of DVDs and Video Games HERE.  Try your hand at those!

Finally, this will come in handy later as the contest progresses:

You can join our fan page on Facebook here.

Getting a head start on being a member of our fan page would be a smart move, indeed.


View the video for the new iMac below!

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  • del.icio.us
  • StumbleUpon
  • Yahoo! Buzz
  • Technorati
  • Facebook
  • TwitThis
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  • LinkedIn
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  • Netvibes


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 558   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Jennifer K said...

    I shared on FB! Jennifer Kruse

  2. Charlotte said...

    I'm on your Facebook! I will share it too, thank you!

  3. LisaLisa said...

    Shared on FB LisaLisa Charleston

  4. Jason S said...

    member and shared on facebook

  5. binabug said...

    fb and tweeted

  6. tvcollector said...

    shared and tweeted

  7. Josie said...

    Shared on Fb - Josie George
    also retweeted! JoJo32

  8. Kat C said...

    Doing my "share" on Facebook
    Kathryn Alkire Church

  9. Unknown said...

    shared on FB :-)

  10. Trish said...

    I shared on FB!

  11. Patsy Robinson said...

    Shared on my FB Page! Would love to win. LOL

  12. Some Lucky Dog said...

    Shared on Facebook (Cindy Brooks)

  13. Ellen Schapiro said...

    shared on Facebook

  14. Mycle said...

    Big Money Big Money No Whammies....... STOP!

  15. Sidney Cook said...

    shared on FB sid cook

  16. Sidney Cook said...

    shared on FB sid cook

  17. Brittney said...

    shared on facebook :)


    also tweeted :)


    and I'm a member :)

  18. sohamolina said...

    I shared on FB, receive your feed and subscriber to your email.


  19. smartshopper2 said...

    Shared via the Facebook button Audrey H.

  20. Unknown said...


  21. Barbara said...

    Shared on FB http://www.facebook.com/#/gr8tjoy?v=feed&story_fbid=268555926060&ref=nf

  22. Brian Shirley said...

    Posted on FB and Retweeted

  23. Denise Petersen said...

    I shared on Facebook!

  24. Barbara said...

    Tweeted http://twitter.com/killerbeees/status/7538078838 and Dugg it too (gr8tjoy)

  25. nubianp said...

    I shared on fb!!

  26. twitter.com/vectorman said...

    Shared on facebook

  27. cindylee137 said...

    shared , retweeted etc etc,,
    Fantastic Prize,,I am hoping to win

  28. Rainclouds said...

    Leandra Clifton
    Tweet Tweet, Facebook!


  29. suctionhorse said...

    Great contest! Posted on FB and Tweeted!

  30. lisa said...

    Sharing on FB. thanks, tweet tweet

  31. Anonymous said...

    I subscribe with my google reader at kessler73 and I posted on facebook my fb id is Kess N Crystal Warren

  32. David said...

    David Orloff-shared on facebook

  33. mich0825 said...

    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  34. mich0825 said...

    2shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  35. mich0825 said...

    3shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  36. mich0825 said...

    4shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  37. mich0825 said...

    5shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  38. mich0825 said...

    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  39. mich0825 said...

    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  40. mich0825 said...

    also tweeted again, mhohertz

  41. Park Avenue Princess said...

    I'm a member and this is my second share on FB!

    x0xx Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)

    This would make my whole year! Last year too! :)


    I have also shared the wii and don't forget
    Sex & The City!

  42. Meadow said...

    I subscribe to your emails :)
    I shared on Facebook (Lark Webb)

  43. Anonymous said...

    Shared on Facebook and Tweeted
    Deborah Sloan

  44. @graywolfpack said...

    i shared on facebook to enter


  45. @graywolfpack said...

    I definetly am a member, I subscribe at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com, and subscribe to the RSS feed at my Yahoo.

  46. Judy G said...

    Member & shared on FB - http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=10626&uid=61915636429#/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=244757187492&id=1659742016&ref=nf

  47. Judy G said...

    tweet - http://twitter.com/jtgreenw/status/7543021806

  48. Bingo said...

    I am a member via email and a fan following on Twitter. I want to win the Apple Computer and am tweeting about it now. Thanks.

  49. Jason S said...

    facebook shared again

  50. pattidolls said...

    shared on FB

  51. Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

    signed up for the newsletter under pytoomanykids

    shared on FB Pam Y

  52. Alex Duran said...

    Shared on Facebook! and a member of Week in Rewind!

  53. donna said...

    I shared on facebook. donna le nguyen

    i subscribed nguye145@csusm.edu or nguye145@cougars.csusm.edu

    already a fan on facebook!

  54. helobuff said...

    shared on FB again Diana Smith Hill

  55. Anonymous said...

    shared on fb: Michelle McKinley

  56. helobuff said...

    I tweeted it too

  57. Anonymous said...

    I just shared TWICE on facebook: Gluc Arthy.

    Too bad I am at work during day and do not access fb nor twitter :(

  58. Mel said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  59. KTG said...

    Faced it and tweeted too.

  60. benjamin said...

    i did share on facebook. i have no idea how you plan to check that. especially since i'm set to only friends. but here's where i shared it anyway:


  61. Anonymous said...

    Just shared TWO more times on facebook: Gluc Arthy

  62. angela said...

    Facebook share - Angela Cash

  63. angela said...


  64. Anonymous said...

    benjamin, valid point - I never thought of that!! I too had my newly created facebook (Gluc Arthy) set to only Friends. I did click to become a fan and my fb is nothing, nothing but Wii and iMac SHARES.
    Chris, were you able to tally (see) on the number of times (from start of these Giveaways), the number of times I shared?

  65. Parker said...

    Shared and tweeted!!

  66. AppleJill said...

    I shared on facebook!

  67. Amy said...

    shared on fb
    Amy Dotson

  68. Amy said...

    Amy Dotson

  69. Amy said...

    following on Twitter and FB

  70. Anonymous said...

    I shared on FaceBook.
    http://www.facebook.com/pages/WeekinRewind/98566036433?ref=mf#/kathyluman?ref=name (Kathy Luman)

  71. Anonymous said...

    I shared on FB!


  72. Elkaye said...

    I'm a member and subscribe to the RSS feed and email.

    I've tweeted as Elkaye.


  73. @graywolfpack said...

    I shared again on facebook at 8:24am EST. facebook.com/graywolfpack

    I am a member, subcribing to email, and RSS feed at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  74. Pixframe said...

    I shared on facebook http://www.facebook.com/pixframe?v=feed&story_fbid=242573346381&ref=nf\and twitter http://twitter.com/pixframe/status/7558077996

  75. Joyce said...

    shared on Facebook

  76. Mary Kontrary said...

    Shared on FB! Mary Kip. I'm a regular permanent fan, plus I follow you on Twitter. Maybe I'll retweet too.

  77. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=239417726529

  78. @graywolfpack said...

    I shared on facebook again at 12:35pm est


  79. Deborah said...

    I'm subscribed to your feed, I'm a fan on facebook, and I shared (FB ID: Deborah Rosen). Thanks for the chance!

  80. Douglas0327 said...

    I am a member and I receive your email. I just shared this on Facebook. Please count me in for an extra entry. Thank you!


  81. @graywolfpack said...

    I shared again on facebook at 12:47pm est facebook.com/graywolfpack

    I subscribe to emails and RSS feeds at Yahoo.

  82. ~dab said...

    facebooked http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=242744902073&id=641513505&ref=mf

  83. masonsgranny59 said...

    shared on facebook
    janet mahurin

  84. masonsgranny59 said...


  85. sms303030 said...

    I shared on facebook. sms303030

  86. Brooke said...

    Shared. www.facebook.com/outofargentina

  87. EppyTaff said...

    Shared on Facebook (as Eppy Taff)
    Great to run these comps btw - wicked in fact!

  88. Lilly said...

    I shared on FB (Lilly Papers)

  89. Henrietta said...

    feed & email subscriber, FB fan & daily tweet 1/9

  90. Colo12 said...

    Have it on my face book
    made9094 at msn

  91. lisa said...

    sharing on fb - lisa moss

    ***thinking that **iMac is sooo beautiful***

    ***THANKS for all the movie info***

    **LOVE** that tim burton NYC MOMA exhibit!! want to go see!!
    Thanks for the preview!!! **LOVE**

  92. Parker said...

    Shared on FB and also tweeted!

  93. Bill K said...

    retweeted on twitter http://twitter.com/kingfish3159/status/7569515203

  94. Bill K said...


  95. lisa said...

    shared FB
    lisa moss



  96. Tamra Augostino said...

    I am a long time member/follower of your blog.

  97. christine said...

    I follow you on FB and member

  98. h. mcnaron said...

    I shared on FB A. Sinky

  99. VegasLiz said...

    Shared with friend of FB and retweeted! VegasLiz

  100. Anonymous said...

    I shared it on FB and I am a member.

    from1mom2another ( facebook)
    frm1mom2another ( twitter)


  101. tannawings said...

    Yep, shared on FB and tweeted........ it goes by my name on FB........


    I follow u as @tannawings

  102. Kitty said...

    MayneKitty Shared on FB
    twitter Maynekitty

  103. Kimberly K. said...

    I shared on FB. Kimberly Kelly-Sydow

  104. F33L said...


  105. mich0825 said...

    please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  106. mich0825 said...

    2please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  107. mich0825 said...


  108. mich0825 said...

    please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  109. mich0825 said...

    4please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  110. mich0825 said...

    5please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  111. mich0825 said...

    6please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  112. mich0825 said...

    please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  113. mich0825 said...

    8please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  114. mich0825 said...

    9please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  115. mich0825 said...

    10please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  116. mich0825 said...

    11please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  117. mich0825 said...

    12please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  118. mich0825 said...

    13please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  119. mich0825 said...

    14please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  120. mich0825 said...

    please enter me for the win!
    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  121. Parker said...

    Shared on FB!!

  122. KKKBsMom said...

    I shared on Facebook and twitter tonight!

  123. Unknown said...

    Published on facebook. Want it really bad! :)

  124. @graywolfpack said...

    I shared on facebook again at 7:50am est facebook.com/graywolfpack


    I am a member subscribing to email and RSS feed at Yahoo

  125. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=430767420088

  126. herblady said...

    Shared of FB again 1/10:

  127. Douglas0327 said...

    I shared on Facebook today. Please count me in for another extra entry. Thank you!



  128. JanSKay said...

    Facebooked and tweeted once more

  129. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook 2+ times.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    - Contact info in my Blogger profile

  130. Jenni104 said...

    I am a FB fan and I shared Jennifer Allen Phillips
    jenni104 at yahoodot com

  131. jenni104 said...

    I tweeted @jenn104
    jenni104 at yahoo dotcom

  132. jenni104 said...

    I subscribe and I get your email
    jenni104 at yahoo dot com

  133. cloud10277 said...

    I'm following on facebook
    Tracy Pryor


  134. Meadow said...

    I just updated on Facebook :)
    (Lark Webb

  135. James Petley said...

    I am a follower on Facebook & Twitter.


    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/james.petley
    Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/petleyj


  136. Unknown said...

    shared on facebook again

  137. YesiG said...

    shared on FB

    Email address: ygdarkstar@yahoo.com

    RT'ed on twitter

  138. Larisa said...

    shared on FB

    Larisa R

  139. Mrgrafix said...


  140. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on Facebook again today. Please count me in for another extra entry. Thank you!



  141. Donna Culliford said...


    and a Tweet Tweet


  142. tv watcher said...

    shared on facebook


  143. Unknown said...

    On Facebook and sharing

  144. lisa said...

    sharing on my fb (lisamoss) cmt on yours too! Thanks again for your entertainment info and this iMac opportunity!! *** iMac me ***

  145. princessducky said...

    Shared on FB

  146. Judy G said...

    shared on FB @ Judy Greenwood

  147. ~dab said...

    100 entry per your post


  148. Anonymous said...

    on face book and shared!

  149. Unknown said...

    Shared on FB, Chad Scasny

  150. Edward29 said...

    Shared for 100 entries.


  151. Claudia said...

    I shared on facebook for the extra 100 entries.

  152. Tamra Augostino said...

    I just shared on facebook via the share button.

  153. Tamra Augostino said...

    I just tweeted @withourhands

  154. Jennifer K said...

    I just shared on FB! Jennifer Kruse

  155. Anonymous said...

    just shred on fb...

  156. Unknown said...


    @MasterZotos On Twitter

  157. Unknown said...

    shared and poste d on FB

  158. thisnthat3 said...

    I shared on Facebook

  159. cindylee137 said...

    shared , tweeted and am a member
    cindylee137 on twitter

  160. broadway_fan on twitter said...

    shared on Facebook for 100 entries


  161. Terri Dell said...

    shared on facebook Terri Dell

  162. SEU said...

    shared on facebook.
    Sarah uNDERWOOD

  163. Jason S said...

    facebook again :)

  164. Anonymous said...

    Posted Nova Silbaugh, thanks!


  165. Trish said...

    I shared on facebook
    (Tricia Lowry Stout)

  166. Jordan McKinney said...



  167. kazul said...

    shared. thanks!

  168. angela said...

    FB share - angela cash

  169. Mommy Levy said...

    Hi I shared it again in FB to earn 100 additional points:

    Here's the URL http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?ref=profile&id=1346349405


  170. VJ ~ vantalee said...

    Shared on FB VJ M.
    I'm an email subscriber
    email in profile


  171. sms303030 said...

    I shared on FB sms303030.

  172. Anonymous said...

    posted on FB
    A. Sinky

  173. Michelle S. said...

    I shared on FB. Michelle Small

  174. Beth said...

    Just shared on Facebook as Beth Kraner Carpenter

    Bcarpenter1 at cinci dot rr dot com

  175. Parker said...

    Shared on FB

  176. Jodi said...

    I shared on FB (and I am a fan. Jodi Batson

  177. Lilly said...

    I shared FB (Lilly Papers)
    Thanks a lot.

  178. Anonymous said...

    Shared FB!



  179. dreamin2win said...

    Sis share on FB & Tweeted

  180. Mycle said...

    Not sure if i entered this one or not. So here it goes.
    Big Money Big Money No Whammies....... STOP

  181. knoxsweeps said...

    I shared this on Facebook! Thanks!

  182. marbles999 said...

    I shared on FB! Katharine Wong

  183. Anonymous said...

    I posted on Facebook:

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  184. hilary said...

    done both as @weldo48 on twitter and facebooked it as wel hilary , i will have to change that 48 i am all of 50 years today

  185. Anonymous said...

    Just shared Twice on fb - one from this page and another from facebook page: Gluc Arthy

  186. Dana said...

    Shared on Facebook.

  187. El Tracio said...

    I'm sharer 178.

    amoparigi at g mail com dom

  188. suctionhorse said...

    Shared on Facebook and subscribed to RSS feed. Also member of FB fan page. Thanks! Hope to win. My computers are broke down!

  189. Anonymous said...

    Retweeted Twice - @GlArthy
    gained a follower - yeah! Now he too will get the message.

  190. Dany said...

    i shared of FB ! retweeted and subscribed to ur site and bookmarked it ! its now even my homepage! mak me win !

    my twitter handle @Cool_Dany

    facebook link :www.facebook.com/danielmangalraj

    mail ids : dan24raj@yahoo.com

    count me in ur contests !!

  191. tvcollector said...

    shared on facebook

  192. Unknown said...

    I shared on facebook and i cannot wait to win my beatiful imac! :)

  193. Michael said...

    Shared on facebook

  194. Michael said...

    Oh, and I'm a member (plus shared on facebook).

  195. jbafaith said...

    Came over from the FB page but do not see anything about the 100 extra entries and I NEED 'em! I am member, follow on twitter and FB

  196. VegasLiz said...

    Posted on FB and retweeted for another 100 entries! VegasLiz

  197. Anne-Marie T said...

    Shared on facebook. (Anne-Marie Tvete)

  198. Debbie said...

    I shared on fb (Debbie Watson)
    and tweeted

  199. Lynne said...

    Shared on facebook and tweeting away @smithalso

  200. alwayshopeful said...

    member shared on fb @ betty n rood
    alwaysatryin at gmail.com

    100 extra please

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