Death Proof: DVD Review (2007)

9/14/2007 Posted by Admin

And not deadly

(Originally published 2007)

Since the Quentin Tarantino-Robert Rodriquez double-feature “Grindhouse” failed at the box office (it shouldn’t have--it was one of this year’s better releases), each movie will get its own separate release on DVD.

First up is Tarantino’s “Death Proof,” and while a debate will ignite about whose film is better, there’s no question that Tarantino’s is decidedly more mellow and self-indulgent.

With the director favoring dialogue and character over the intense, unrelenting action Rodriguez features in “Planet Terror,” Tarantino instead goes for the slow burn, with his movie, a female revenge fantasy, finding Kurt Russell’s Stuntman Mike out to slaughter women with the help of his death proof car.

The movie’s highlight is its cast, which includes Sydney Tamiia Poitier, Rosario Dawson, Zoe Bell and Rose McGowan, but especially thrilling is the film’s final car chase, a terrific throwback to the days when computer-generated imagery wasn’t the crutch on which Hollywood has since lifted so much of its action.

Rated R. Grade: B+

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  1. Maven said...

    "Grindhouse" failed because the first movie was vile, and the second movie was boring. It's a fairly good commentary on the mentality of movie critics that none of them can understand why three hours of "vile and boring" failed at the Box Office.

  2. Anonymous said...

    I just finished watching "Death Proof". Now I love Tarantino ... love the lengthy no-cut sequences of dialogue BUT it wore on me a bit with this one. The exchanges were just a little too long and pointless - and not really comical which usually makes them great. I love the throwback 70's B-movie look and style - with mixes of current tech (like IM from phone) to remind you the setting is current day. I thought the sequence between the stories when it went black and white didn't work. But I liked the graininess and "skips" to give it that old film feeling. But what saved this movie for me was the car chase at the end - awesome. Great to see the girls turn the tables at the end. And no mercy. It's no Pulp Fiction, but still worth a look.

  3. Anonymous said...

    I just finished veiwing Death proof. I thought the ending was total hollywood bullshit crap. I never thought he would sell out, but I guess I was wrong.The way Kurt Russell's character turned into a pussy and the super bitches did not get hurt was sickning. Aleast blow up both cars, or have the dodge owner turn out to be in on it and the cheerleader is being tortured. Maybe even show the girls being arrested for murder and the two Texas cops talking about how they must have been wrong about Mike. That tough gal shit were they do not even get a scratch is bullshit. This is his worst movie ever due to this type of hollywood sell out crap!!!