The Unit: Season 2: DVD Review

9/21/2007 Posted by Admin

“The Unit: Season 2”

This strange, off-beat hybrid from David Mamet melds elements of “The Shield” and “24” with flashes of “Desperate Housewives.”

And for the most part, it works.

Dennis Haysbert is Jonas Blane, the head of the Army’s Delta Force, a top-secret Special Forces unit that enlists in all sorts of bullet-biting bravery. Scott Foley is Bob Brown, who takes on terrorists while his wife, Kim (Audrey Marie Anderson), takes on a few of her own--the wives of the other Unit members.

The dialogue can be very good--it has energy. So do the storylines, which are swift. The problem? Sometimes, those qualities come at the cost of developing the characters, which must be fleshed out in the third season if this promising series is to flourish.

Grade: B-

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