Whipped: Movie Review, DVD Review (2000)

9/16/2007 Posted by Admin

Taking misogyny to a whole new low

(Originally published 2000)

Written and directed by Peter M. Cohen, 85 minutes, rated R.

Just when you think movies can’t get any worse, along comes a film like “Whipped,” which takes misogyny to a whole new low.

The film is obscene for the sake of being obscene, raunchy and cruel for the sake of being raunchy and cruel. It’s no comedy. It’s one of the meanest, ugliest bits of trash to come to theaters in a while and I hated it for what it is--a movie that feels it’s being cute in its obvious hatred of women, when in fact it only exposes Peter Cohen, its writer, producer and director, as a man who should be slapped by every woman on Earth.

Everyone in this film feels as if they crawled out of a Petrie dish and started a new species, one that hauls itself around by its knuckles and grunts like pigs. It’s not often that one’s jaw drops while seeing a movie, but in this film, it’s part of the ongoing experience, a badge of honor Cohen sports with immature glee.

In the film, three urban Neanderthals (played by Brian Van Holt, Zorie Barber and Jonathan Abrahams) meet for breakfast each Sunday to discuss their sexual exploits, which are so brazenly peppered with their loathing of women, they could never be printed in a family newspaper--let alone in a quality publication such as “Hustler.”

The men are joined by Eric (Judah Domke), a vile piece of work who’s ostracized from the group because he did the wrong thing and actually got married, something none of these three idiots ever could fathom until they meet Mia (Amanda Peet), a woman who seemingly has it all because, as this film and these men see it, she serves a woman’s purpose in being “great in bed.”

Initially, none of the men know they’re sleeping with the same woman, but Mia certainly knows. She’s carrying on an affair with three men--which naturally allows the film to brand her as “loose” and as a “tramp.”

The film’s turning point--and I doubt I’m giving anything away here--comes when everyone learns they’re not only sleeping with Mia, but falling in love with her. As their friendships dissolve, Mia’s power grows--until the film ultimately exposes her as worse than they.

What’s left for Hollywood to do after producing movies like this? Snuff films? After just 30 minutes of “Whipped,” you either want to hose down the screen with Lysol or dip yourself in bleach. It’s that offensive, that rotten, and it easily stands as the worst film in years.

Grade: BOMB

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