The Invisible: Movie Review, DVD Review, Blu-ray review (2007)

10/21/2007 Posted by Admin

Disappearing act

Curiously enough, “The Invisible” isn't worth seeing.

The film follows Justin Chatwin’s Nick Powell, a high school boy beaten and left for dead who awakens to find that he might be dead.

Or almost dead. Actually, he exists on death’s periphery, able to roam and seek out those who tried to take his life while his body lies in a bloody heap waiting for someone to rescue it. Will they do so in time?

And what of his assailants, particularly the cruel Annie (Margarita Levieva), who caused this to happen to Nick in the first place? Could it be that there’s something more to her, that she and Nick are soul mates and that--good grief--he’s falling in love with her?

It would be great to report that this isn't so, but it is so, and it’s ridiculous.

Rated PG-13. Grade: C-

Disc Features:
• 2 Audio Commentaries
• Deleted Scenes
• Music Videos

HD Exclusive Content:
• Movie Showcase

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