I Know Who Killed Me Blu-ray DVD Review (2007)

11/29/2007 Posted by Admin

"I Know Who Killed Me: DVD, Blu-ray"

But was she in rehab when she found out?

Lindsay Lohan stars in one of the year's worst movies in what has to be one of the worst years of the young actress' life. So, at least she's being consistent.

Here, Lohan plays two parts. First, she's Aubrey, a sweet young writer mauled by a serial killer who lops off two of her limbs, and who then leaves her in a ditch to die.

When Aubrey awakens in a hospital, she's convinced that she's Dakota, a sleazy stripper who looks just like Aubrey (though she favors a pole to a pen), and who allows the film to consider its few dim angles.

Is Dakota really Aubrey? Is Aubrey really Dakota? Could it be that's she Aubrey's secret twin sister? Or maybe she's part of Aubrey's imagination, blunted by trauma?

By the time the movie comes through with its answer, some might want to take Dakota's pole and pierce it through the heart of the DVD itself.

Rated R. Grade: D-

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