Spice World: DVD Review (2007)

11/29/2007 Posted by Admin

"Spice World"

A peculiar film about that peculiar British import known as the Spice Girls, which have since regrouped, have a new single out and a new world tour to promote, thus the re-release of their 1997 movie.

While the good news is that recent photos and videos suggest that the girls have aged well, going back into time and seeing them as they were is something of a nightmare.

There is a moment in this movie when all the girls--Scary, Baby, Posh, Sporty, Ginger--declare that they want a makeover and that they wish to rename themselves.

Since all of the girls look like roughed-up street trade, it seems only natural that they would rename themselves accordingly. Surprisingly, Flat-On-Her-Back Spice, Leave-The-Money-On-The-Dresser Spice and Penicillin Spice weren't considered, a decision reflected in the film's final grade.

“Spice World” is not a movie. It isn't even an extended music video, although it does feature some of the group's popular songs, which are badly lip-synched throughout.

Really, this is a marketing effort gone bad because, after see it, one doesn't so much want to buy Spice Girls merchandise as one wants to start a Spice Girls backlash. For them, that's a shame, particularly since their new round of cashing in has only just begun.

Rated PG. Grade: F

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