X-Files 2--Confirmed for July 25, 2008

11/01/2007 Posted by Admin

Anyone smell a whiff of desperation? Anyone really care?

After failing to generate substantial movie careers in the wake of their "X-Files" television show," director Chris Carter, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will team again on Dec. 10 to shoot the new X-Files movie.

The film will be released July 25, 2008, which seems like a rush job to me. Still, time will tell. As for the storyline, I offer this from Fox's news release:

"In grand X-Files manner, the as yet untitled film’s storyline is being kept under wraps, known only to top studio brass and the film’s principals. This much can be revealed: The supernatural thriller is a stand-alone story in the tradition of some of the show’s most acclaimed and beloved episodes, and takes the always-complicated relationship between Fox Mulder (Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Anderson) in unexpected directions. Mulder continues his unshakable quest for the truth, and Scully, the passionate, ferociously intelligent physician, remains inextricably tied to Mulder’s pursuits."

So, good luck to Mulder and Scully. See you next summer.

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