Lions for Lambs: DVD Review (2008)

4/08/2008 Posted by Admin

“Lions for Lambs”

Robert Redford’s chit-chatty war movie is frustrated by a lot of things--our national complacency on troubling domestic and foreign issues, the dark alleys into which our war efforts have taken us, the corruption of good journalism due to corporate influence, the ridiculous importance the media places on celebrity culture over real news--and it's not going to take it anymore.

In fact, it's going to sit down in comfortable leather chairs and have a good discussion about it.

This dialogue-driven film cuts between three connected storylines that bind together the above themes. Redford, Meryl Streep and Tom Cruise star, with the film generating the most interest between Streep and Cruise.

And not necessarily because of anything they're saying. Since the script is strangled with the refrigerated, academic air of rhetoric, it puts us on the outside, where we watch the real show unfolding here--who is upstaging who? Streep or Cruise?

Since that's the only surprise the movie offers, we’ll leave it for you.

Read the full, unedited review here.

Rated R. Grade: C

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