The Dark Knight: Movie Review (2008)
So here it is: The best superhero movie ever. Some will want to chew on that for a while and question, as I have, whether it's true in the wake of all that has come before it. But I'm convinced it is true, so on with the review.
Christopher Nolan's “The Dark Knight” deftly accomplishes all one could hope for, and then it surpasses it, and then it continues to surprise until you realize you're watching something special--a movie that's the very best of its kind.

The film isn't just a triumph--it's that rare pop-culture oddity: A genre masterpiece. If that sounds like a stretch, consider that every once in a great while, all of the necessary elements come together and fall into place for greatness to conspire onscreen. While it's rarely true for sequels of lauded films to achieve a new plateau, that's nevertheless the case here, just as it was in “The Godfather II.”
Those seeking insight into how Nolan pulled off his coup only need to look back to his outstanding 2005 film, “Batman Begins,” to know that he had all the skill and intelligence necessary to deepen an already complex vision of a world come undone. Working with a script he co-wrote with his brother, Jonathan Nolan, the director came to this project with the right story, which he told with bravado via the vehicle of the right cast.

As the movie unfolds, Wayne must come to rely on every one of them when his new adversary reveals himself. He's the Joker, a man for whom chaos and evil are

Since much of the film's pleasure comes from the gradual way Nolan reveals the plot to us, only a glimpse will be offered here: Batman isn't exactly beloved by the residents of Gotham City. He's viewed as an avenging menace, a man whose fame has prompted others to don ill-fitting bat suits in an effort to save the day, which they don't. In fact, with crime running rampant, they're making a mess of an already bad situation. Worse, they've made a mockery of all the good Batman has done.

Unfortunately, the Joker isn't about to make things so easy for him. Look beyond his cracked clown makeup, his red scar of a mouth and that crazed whinny of a laugh of his, and you'll find the corrupt heart of a terrorist. As with so many terrorists, it's the Joker's intention to spread that corruption as far and as wide as he can by influencing those who matter.

While he does so in Gotham in ways that won't be revealed here, it is safe to say that “The Dark Knight” consumes itself with the idea of how corrupt some are willing to become in an effort to fight corruption itself. It's that undercurrent of irony that runs through the movie, lifting it, and it emerges as one of Nolan's major themes: Once you go to that dark side of yourself, once you give into it and embrace it and realize that you're capable of it, regardless of how good your intentions, what's to become of you when you're faced with the reality of what you have become in the process? Who are you then?

Armed with some of the summer's more outrageous action scenes--not to mention a top-notch technical team that includes fantastic work by cinematographer Wally Pfister, production designer Nathan Crowley, and an uneasy score created by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard--“The Dark Knight” is Christopher Nolan's best film, it is one of year's best films, and it's the best superhero movie, period.
Grade: A

July 20, 2008 at 7:48 PM
Great review, Christopher. I loved the movie, too.
July 20, 2008 at 9:21 PM
Nice review.
July 26, 2008 at 5:52 AM
Nice review. Until the illogical ending hit, I was pondering if I'd let this take over my top spot for best superhero movie ever from Iron Man. At least it solidifies the best year for the genre ever.
August 20, 2008 at 12:20 AM
This is easily the most well written, expertly disected, and concise review of The Dark Knight I've read. 'Nuff said.
August 20, 2008 at 12:22 AM
*dissected rather
August 20, 2008 at 3:51 AM
Seriously excellent review, a concise, accurate, and articulate review of a movie. Refreshing after you read a review by a critic trying to make a name for himself by bashing a clearly incredible movie.
September 13, 2008 at 3:29 AM
This review is a true masterpiece.
September 14, 2008 at 4:37 AM
As pure entertainment, it fails, though it had some "cool" moments. What's left is a thesis movie. Time and time again, we have characters stating different philosphies on timely subjects, but in the situations they are in, these philosphies and decisions don't make sense to have at that moment. All that is "deep" in this movie is, in one word, "contrived".
September 14, 2008 at 10:06 PM
Excellent Review. The manner in which The Joker unravels chaos, never letting the madness mellow but become greater and greater in magnitude is what struck me as a masterpiece.
You can't help but wonder at how Nolan excellently maneouvres the idyllic and relativel calm beginning into a vortex of chaos so deftly - culminating in a shattering climax.
Definitely, the best superhero movie ever made.
November 20, 2008 at 5:02 AM
Entertaining yet a bit lengthy. I would not call this Chris Nolan's best, the title in my opinion is reserved for the ultra fun and well paced edge of your seat feat of The Prestige. The actors were decent, Christian Bale, alot slimmer now and not stuffed and plowing out of the suit now gives off a raspy throaty batman, who needs a cough drop.
JOKER: a prime example of the star is the toy selling so well, to out. He stole the show, he is the show. Heath was incredible.
A nice show but the best, just a bit shy. Oscar contender, of course. Great job by the Nolan Bros., he works well with lil bro Jonathon, this, the Prestige, and he drew up the story for Momento.
Enjoyable fun ride.
November 29, 2008 at 5:11 PM
You didn't tell us--what do you consider the best, Littlehype?
February 2, 2009 at 6:15 AM
I know this is blasphemy to many, but I feel that if anybody should have been nominated for an Academy Award it should be Aaron Eckhart for his Harvey Dent/Two Face character. Ledger was awesome as the Joker, no doubt, but it was great to watch Eckhart gradually change over the course of the film and then slip into the Two Face role. I thought he was great.
March 1, 2009 at 6:34 PM
I have to rent this movie! Love your reviews. I had trouble sending you an email.