Thursday, March 06, 2025

GIVEAWAY: Bryan Loves You!

7/29/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Bryan Loves You!

Own it on DVD September 30, 2008!

Thanks to our friends at Anchor Bay Entertainment
for this opportunity!

Official product description:

"Backed by a star-studded cast that includes Tony Todd (Candyman, Hatchet, Final Destination), six-time Emmy Award nominee George Wendt (“Cheers,” House, “Masters of Horror: FAMILY”), Daniel Roebuck (River’s Edge, The Fugitive) and sexy scream queens Tiffany Shepis (Abominable, Nightmare Man) and Brinke Stevens (Nightmare Sisters, Spirits, Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity), writer/director Seth Landau’s Bryan Loves You is the true 1993 story of a cult that takes over an Arizona town. These creepy, Midwestern Caucasians blindly worship the Almighty Bryan, an almost mythological figure who was savagely murdered by the one man he could not control.

Hailed as “enormously entertaining” by and as “a visceral and creepy parable … part Blair Witch and part Invasion of the Body Snatchers” by, the DVD of Bryan Loves You includes a controversial audio commentary with writer/director/co-star Landau and members of the production crew."

We are giving away THREE copies, and winning is easy.

The contest will end on October 14, 2008.

To double your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so below in the "Comments" or "Post a comment" sections.

Once that is done, sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.

Good luck!


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  1. linett said...

    another scarey one for the collection

  2. danosor said...

    I never heard of this movie but going by the title it should be interesting.

  3. Bunny B said...

    Would love to watch this!

  4. Anonymous said...

    Gotta love horror flicks.

  5. agordon10 said...


  6. Unknown said...

    I want to win!

  7. imjasonc said...

    Nice giveaway, I want to win !! Thanks !!!

  8. Anna said...

    Please enter me to win

  9. taterbug said...

    Another creepy giveaway - I love it!

  10. Miss Spoken said...


  11. sb02127 said...

    i don't want bryan to love me.
    but i do want the DVD.

  12. kelvinh said...

    looks pretty good!

  13. mverno said...

    great prize

  14. forex said...

    count me in

  15. Nikki said...

    I am definitely going to see this!

  16. toughturtles said...

    looks like a good b movie

  17. Ken said...

    Please accept my entry.

  18. Stephen Saunders said...

    please enter me too.

  19. chromiumman said...

    love the scary films

  20. David Johnson said...


  21. Anonymous said...

    Gotta love these Horror films.


  22. Erica C. said...


  23. Tina12312 said...

    I really want to see this one and keep forgetting to rent it. Thank you for the chance to win it!

  24. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to watch this on DVD :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  25. Christina said...


  26. ELE said...

    I would love to add this to my collection

  27. Anonymous said...

    Great prize!

  28. Dave said...

    Looks creepy! Please enter me to win.

  29. judybrittle said...

    This sounds really good and scary. Please scare me!!!!

  30. bongeezer said...

    Count me in.

  31. bkwrms said...

    This looks great!

  32. azrosebud said...

    one strange movie

  33. toasters lie said...


  34. debswild said...

    Would love to win this, thanks!

  35. Anonymous said...

    scary love them thanks for the chance to win

  36. Anonymous said...

    Never heard of this one, but looks good. Thanks.

  37. binabug said...

    enter me please

  38. dianerph said...

    Please enter me

  39. Gina said...

    Enter me please, thanks!

  40. Anonymous said...

    Count me in

  41. Anonymous said...

    i want to win

  42. Reyn said...

    Count me in.

  43. Ally said...

    Please enter me for this great giveaway. Thanks!!

  44. Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

    Thank you so much for always offering the most awesome giveaways on the net !

  45. Ken said...

    Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  46. denyse said...

    Pick me!

  47. Michw37 said...

    please count me in...thanks

  48. Anonymous said...

    Count me in !

  49. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thank you.

  50. Anonymous said...

    SUPER VIDEO! Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. reddon30 said...

    Looks cool...thank you.

  52. ms-texas said...

    looks kind of scary...

  53. Anonymous said...

    Yikes, a spooky one!

  54. redron said...

    want to win this

  55. Jinxy and Me said...

    Looks scary!

  56. sillelin said...

    Sounds great

  57. purplepassion126 said...

    Love those scary movies!

  58. Christal said...

    Sign me up!

  59. Anonymous said...

    I love horror movies!!


  60. misa said...

    I would love to watch this with all the lights off!

  61. KristenH said...

    This sounds like a very interesting movie. I would love to win it on DVD so I can see it. I would really enjoy it. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  62. Icetwofire said...

    Never heard of this one, thank you, I love scary movies.

  63. Samantha P said...

    this looks awesome!

  64. Sahm Lee said...

    I would love to win this for my horror collection!

  65. Anonymous said...

    I would like to win this for my son. Thanks for the contest.

  66. rdazer said...

    looks pretty creepy

  67. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  68. Terri Dell said...

    My son would love this

  69. myz said...

    please enter me

  70. Anonymous said...


    Count me in too, please. This would make a great addition to my DVD collection. YES! I'm a movie junkie!!! My husband says the first step is admitting I have a problem! LOL


    I'm a subscriber and Ive sent an email.

    Tammy OHagan

  71. guettel78 said...

    Also never heard of this one, but it has some decent horror cred with the cast, so I'd like to check it out - thanks!

  72. Anonymous said...

    Enter me please. Thank you for the contest!

  73. LBSGONE said...

    Already a subscriber, already sent an e-mail, now commenting for entry please :)

  74. Anonymous said...

    Another scary one for the collection.