7/26/2008 Posted by Admin

Above are two high-res images from the upcoming, October 31 release of the new Guy Ritchie film, "RocknRolla." It stars Gerard Butler in the lead. Click on the images to supersize them.

The plot goes like this:

In "RocknRolla," London's criminals learn of a scheme that makes them see dollar signs and they'll do anything to pad their pockets with the loot. "Snatch" director Guy Ritchie populates this action film with memorable characters played by the likes of Gerard Butler, Thandie Newton, Chris "Ludacris" Bridges, Jeremy Piven, Idris Elba, and Tom Wilkinson.

It's a promising cast--let's hope Ritchie can do something with them. He needs a hit.

More importantly, below is the new, just-released trailer.

Here is the first trailer the studios released back in June:

And here is a behind-the-scenes look at the film:

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