Critics Choice Awards Winners

1/09/2009 Posted by Admin

Below are the results for the Critics Choice Awards, which were announced late Jan. 8, and in which I'm a voting member. The awards appeared on VH1. It was a good show, but I disagree with Slumdog Millionaire taking the top spot as Best Picture. It wasn't.

My vote went to The Dark Knight. As fine as Slumdog is, I can think of five nominated films that were better.

At least Brad and Angelina were there to lift the proceedings. By the looks of it, everyone was there last night, including Clint Eastwood, whose movie, "Gran Torino," is well worth a look. Expect a review of that shortly. Heath Ledger took home the Best Supporting Actor win, and he deserved it. Seeing his face on the huge monitors during his win was poignant, and a little sad.

On a side note, it was fun to watch a very cold-looking Angelina Jolie narrow her eyes during Anne Hathaway's co-win for Best Actress, an award for which Jolie also was nominated. The camera lingered on Jolie in ways that made for great television. She looked as if she wanted to shove Hathaway's award somewhere uncomfortable. Like her ass.

Here's the list of winners.

Best Comedy Movie: Tropic Thunder
Best Acting Ensemble: Milk
Best Young Actor/Actress: Dev Patel
Best Writer: Simon Beaufoy, Slumdog Millionaire
Best Action Film: The Dark Knight
Best Composer: A.R. Rahman, Slumdog Millionaire
Best Song: Bruce Springsteen, The Wrestler
Best Documentary: Man On Wire
Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
Best Supporting Actress: Kate Winslet, The Reader
Best Foreign Language Film: Waltz With Bashir
Best Animated Feature: WALL·E
Best Movie Made for TV: John Adams
Best Actress: TIE: Meryl Streep, Doubt; Anne Hathaway, Rachel Getting Married
Best Actor: Sean Penn, Milk
Best Director: Danny Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire
Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire

Check out Jolie's performance for Best Bitchy Look at an Awards Show from last night's show:

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