DVD Contests & Giveaways from WeekinRewind.com

10/17/2009 Posted by Admin

http://www.weekinrewind.com/2010/06/giveaway-real-mccoys-season-4-on-dvd.htmlWeekinRewind.com gives away the most DVDs of any movie Web site around--and that's a fact.

Below is the list of our current giveaways. More are added almost daily. Please visit this space often to see what's new and to enter each contest. New titles always are listed first.

Please Facebook, Retweet and Digg this page.  It will be noted!

Just click on the image to go to that giveaway:

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  • Netvibes


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 383   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Joy and Melissa said...

    Well just sign me up for each one! I subscribe to your newsletter and I follow you on twitter. Off to Re-Tweet! =) madly59 onlyjoy1959

  2. Anonymous said...

    Thank you for all of the great contests! :)

  3. marshadiane said...

    Sign me up for all your great contests.

  4. Anonymous said...

    I honestly can't just choose one?! Pne of each purty please :) I follow you on twitter @sweet2bme143

  5. ddckp2 (Denise) said...

    Thanks for the great contests!! ♫♫

  6. Unknown said...

    After scanning through your very large list of DVD's... I think I like "Chance" the most. You certainly do have several great giveaways!

  7. missy said...

    I would loke to be entered in this contest all the movies sound interesting

  8. Independentmami said...

    I want to enter...i want to win...
    i follow...i will tweet..

  9. Cherie @bearaablescents said...

    ARMY WIVES!!!! 2nd season?? wowow, where have I been?? I didnt know they had 2nd season already??? puhlease please, off to RT,
    I follow you as well


  10. Only Free Stuff Here said...

    I'm entered: http://twitter.com/free__giveaways

  11. missy said...

    entering again

  12. missy said...

    entering on friday

  13. Johnna92 said...

    Followin on twitter. please enter me

  14. missy said...

    daily entry

  15. missy said...

    daily entry

  16. johnna said...

    daily entry


  17. missy said...

    daily entry

  18. johnna said...

    daily entry

  19. chubbydove said...

    would love to win this

  20. missy said...

    daily entry

  21. missy said...

    daily entry

  22. burgmissy said...

    daily entry tweeted

  23. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  24. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  25. johnna92 said...

    Want to win!!!

  26. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  27. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  28. Kyle said...

    daily entry


  29. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  30. johnna said...

    Daily entry.

  31. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  32. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  33. johnna92 said...

    daily entry

  34. Anonymous said...

    Just entered the Secret Life of the American Teenager contest! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. http://xr.com/ofi He follows back!

    Daily Entry cheekichelsee@hotmail.co.uk

  35. johnna92 said...

    daily entry

  36. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  37. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  38. Meadow said...

    Daily entry ♥Larked

  39. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  40. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  41. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  42. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  43. johnna92 said...

    daily entry.

  44. queeniecat123 said...

    thank you for all these contests.. so many to enter.. wow.. thanks a million and I want to enter them every day possible.

  45. Lori said...

    twittering with username iggabod

  46. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  47. johnna said...

    daily entry

  48. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  49. butterdaisy said...

    thanks for the giveaways offered. What a great selection!!

  50. Jeff Hill said...

    Enter Me..

  51. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  52. mich0825 said...

    Thanks so much for all of these great giveaways!!! Hope I win some :) I follow you and tweet on twitter.com/mhohertz- thanks!

  53. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  54. johnna92 said...

    daily entry

  55. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  56. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  57. burgmissy said...

    dialy entry

  58. burgmissy said...

    daily entry

  59. johnna said...

    enter daily

  60. TiredMom said...

    commented on facebook and now here

  61. MPITNA said...

    Do you post the winners of these somewhere? Some of these DVD contests have ended.


  62. Unknown said...

    Daily entry!
    facebook fan
    I think this is the greatest site for info and contests!

  63. hanabata said...

    daily entry,newsletter subscriber, please enter me in all contests!

  64. Radish said...

    woo! sing me up for all these please! i follow your newletter as well as facebook!!

  65. xxdacutie1990xx said...

    thanks for the best giveaways

  66. jgok said...

    I'm entered: http://twitter.com/jgok3

  67. Unknown said...

    Your contests are great! Thanks I subscribe to twitter and facebook!

  68. cndlady said...

    thanks for the great contests

  69. cndlady said...

    following you on twitter

  70. Anonymous said...

    Following on twitter @jill9921

  71. Anonymous said...

    I'm a follower, subscriber and I Tweeted daily!

  72. auntrene said...

    I am a follower, subscriber, tweeter.. Will you please sign me up for the movies... Terrific giveaway.. I am off to tweet!!

  73. carolynishis said...

    Please sign me up for each one! I subscribe to your newsletter as carolynishis@gmail.com and I follow you on twitter as carolynishis.

    i am retweeting.
    Thank you!

  74. misternat1 said...

    I'm in this one too

  75. PippaD said...

    I am so going to annoy all my followers with all the tweets about these but I don't care... okay maybe I do and I will have to restrain myself! Can't I just blog it instead lol?

  76. binabug said...


    OH love dollhouse

  77. dawnlizabeth said...

    Sign me up for every/any thing you're kind enough to giveaway.....I am not a Twit but I DO follow

  78. camper223 said...

    I'm a twitter follower

  79. whitty999 said...

    following you on twitter and tweeting about you.
    will also sign up for newsletter.

  80. Danielle C said...

    I am soo in.. Bust moms rely on DVDs but can not afford them all..

    justd2004 on Twitter

  81. VJ said...

    For the Barney DVD



  82. Jen (a dreamer forever) said...

    enter daily for all

  83. Jen (a dreamer forever) said...

    posting and tweeting jenni104 trying to get a win

  84. Tulip said...

    Entering to try and win this giveaway.

    Following you on Twitter!

    username Sapphire2uk

  85. k1ngster said...

    awsome giveaway! woah, so many variety of dvds. hope i win ;]

  86. Jen (a dreamer forever) said...

    In and tweeting away tweet comment tweet comment for each of them

  87. Jen (a dreamer forever) said...

    daily entry

  88. Unknown said...

    Grey's Anatomy!

  89. Unknown said...

    @seattleshelley I love Grey's Anatomy!

  90. Jen (a dreamer forever) said...

    tweet tweet comment tweet tweet
    jjpdream would love to win of course

  91. @graywolfpack said...

    Id love them.tweeting at @graywolfpack

  92. Anonymous said...

    tweeted @trishalynn0708

  93. Anonymous said...


  94. donsterb said...


  95. HorrorQueen13 said...

    Boo..and TWEET TWEET

  96. jeff hill said...

    I enter all I can for today

  97. Anonymous said...

    Yes, I am still keeping track here on this great giveaway. Continue to count me in it to win it.

  98. Anonymous said...

    Didn't wanna get to greedy so picked out my faves and tweeted away. Thanks for the amazing giveaways and keep them coming. I follow on twitter and facebook. Also get the daily newsletter in my email.

    twitter= @beaconbear
    facebook= k-le alterego is the name
    email= ladymakwa18 @ yahoo.com

  99. phackett57 said...

    Thanks for all the great giveaways, I try to enter mey favorites, there are so many good ones this time. I just keep trying to win one.

  100. Jillyrh said...

    Tweeted at jillyrh

  101. Cher said...

    Thanks for featuring all the great reviews and giveaways!

  102. Akira07 said...

    Hi admin, there is some DVD giveaways which ended october 19,23, and 26th but the winner is not announced yet. When the winner will be announced?

  103. Tina12312 said...

    I receive your newsletter, follow you on Twitter and I tweeted http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/5510723716 I'd love to win any of these. Thank you!

  104. Jillyrh said...

    Well just sign me up for each one! I subscribe to your newsletter and I follow you on twitter. Off to Re-Tweet! =) jillyrh

  105. Madeleine said...

    Great giveaway!
    I tweet


  106. Peggy said...

    You are awesome and have the best giveawas!! Count me in for all of these DVD giveaway!!
    Happy Holidays!!!

  107. Anonymous said...

    hello I'm french, sorry for my bad english, thank you for the game to win the dr quinn dvd. I want them so much, it's a very good serie.
    angeleestrella ( on twitter )

  108. Anonymous said...

    hello I'm french, sorry for my bad english, thank you for the game to win the dr quinn dvd. I want them so much, it's a very good serie.

  109. Unknown said...

    Great contest, retweeted.

  110. andy said...

    I want em all!

  111. Jillyrh said...

    I'm following you on twitter (jillyrh)

  112. @graywolfpack said...

    entering again please


  113. Anonymous said...

    Entered and retweeted.


  114. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for all the awesome contests

  115. Kelly said...

    Thanks for offering this contest.


  116. Kelly said...

    Follow on Twitter


  117. Kelly said...

    Subscribe to RSS feed.


  118. Anonymous said...

    You have the best contests. Thanks
    And Happy Thanksgiving from your Canadian cousin.
    Follow you on Twitter and Facebook too.

  119. ladylisa1 said...

    Facebook ladylisa Thanks! Great contests!!!

  120. phackett57 said...

    Thanks for offering so many wonder great DVD's, I wish I could win them all, but at least one. It's been really nice when you offer extra 100 entries also


  121. SL said...

    100 extra entries? Awesome! :)
    Following on twitter as well (smokey_frankie)

  122. @graywolfpack said...

    Tweeted to enter

  123. @graywolfpack said...

    Would love to win this!

  124. sweepstakesjeanie@yahoo.com said...

    Cool contests

    Jeanette Huston

  125. SL said...

    tweeted, tweeted & RT'd!!! (smokey_frankie) I must have Bender's head! LOL :)
    Thanks for the contests and extra entries!!!

  126. hselburn said...

    The BlackAdder rides again! I hope I win!

  127. Lynn @ Oh-So Yummy said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  128. kima86 said...

    100 extra entries? How cool! Here's my tweet:


  129. Jocelyn - eliminatefullprice.com said...

    100 entries comment :)

  130. Joshua said...

    daily post, following you on twitter for 100 entries, thanks!


  131. Susan Margaret said...

    I love the sound of them all (I'm a junkie for these!). Following you on Twitter (littlecomper) and will RT

  132. Victoria Lester said...

    Following you on twitter:

  133. Kathryn20000 said...

    love your giveaways! havent won anythin gyet but it exciting doing all the steps to qualify! thanks for your time and effort you must put into these fo rall of us ;-} merry christmas happy new year! kat

  134. phackett57 said...

    I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas yesterday. And Chris I hope you and your family had a great Christmas, Thanks for all the nice giveaways this year.


  135. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/MyBellaMia/status/7095923825

  136. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win the Assassins Creed II for PS3.

  137. Lief Jou Bokke said...


  138. salj said...

    Sign me up please fab prizes

  139. salj said...

    Great prizes. sign me up

  140. LisaLisa said...

    Sign me up for the DVD Contest & Giveaway. I'm a member, follower lol

    I would be thankful for anyone of them....they all are great!

  141. LisaLisa said...



  142. Judy Joyce said...

    Thank you for all the great giveaways!

  143. DaniLynn said...

    tweet: http://twitter.com/danilynn6969/statuses/7374169737


  144. Edward29 said...

    Entered some giveaways for my favorite TV shows.
    And a few games too.

  145. slicksweepberry said...

    Kool Contest.

    Would to win this contest.

    Tweeted :


  146. cathyj said...

    please enter me

  147. ~dab said...

    tweeted http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/7487976323

  148. Ø$iⱤ!$ỖⱤ𝒾𝕠|\| said...

    awesome contests..love the site too part of my daily surfing!!

  149. barifromsd said...

    Tweeted :

    Thank you

  150. Colette S said...

    Thanks for the great giveaways!

  151. ~dab said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  152. El Tracio said...

    "Pick Your Giveaway! 100 Additional Entries Each! Dozens to Choose"

    Put down for Clone Wars, please.

    Chris P Kali

  153. Anonymous said...

    I wanna win...thanks so much

  154. Jason S said...

    already tweeted and facebook again


  155. Aesop said...

    I posted on fb but do I need a user name?

  156. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared and tweeted for the Simpsons giveaway!

  157. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared and tweeted for Shattered Lives

  158. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared and tweeted for Abbott & Costello

  159. hilary said...

    done both tweeted and facebooked it :)

  160. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared and tweeted for Big Love

  161. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared and tweeted for Mental

  162. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared and tweeted for farscape

  163. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared and tweeted for Family Guy

  164. alwayshopeful said...

    wow!thanks for all these great giveaways and thanks for the FB ''extras'' tonigght!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i entered several here and there!
    alwaysatryin at gmail.com

  165. Charlotte said...

    Entering, thank you!

  166. Colette S said...

    I entered


  167. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared and tweeted for Steve Coogan

  168. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared and tweeted Dr Who Black Guardian

  169. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared and tweeted Dr Who the war games

  170. Erin from Long Island said...

    shared/tweeted Sara Jane chronicles

  171. Unknown said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  172. princessducky said...

    Shared on fB and Tweeted

    I love movies!

  173. Kimberly said...

    I shared this on facebook!

  174. Kimberly said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  175. billybadbird said...

    've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  176. Kristin H. said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  177. Taylor said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"  :)

  178. Deb Anderson said...

    shared on facebook
    Deb Anderson

  179. Anthony Burrows said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries! (&posted to Facebook)

    tonytouch_28 on twitter

  180. BIGMAC78 said...

    bigmac78 said...

  181. Anonymous said...

    I subscribed to your newsletter
    and I hope I win. Love your site.
    Toni LaCava from Facebook

  182. pickmefla said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  183. Jason S said...

    facebooked it

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  184. R Lukenbill said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  185. smithalso said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  186. Rainclouds said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"


  187. Anonymous said...

    Sue Goff Morris

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"


  188. Anonymous said...

    I shared this giveaway on Facebook. Sue Goff Morris


  189. hilary said...

    facebooked as wel Hilary

  190. alwayshopeful said...

    shared again
    fb betty n rood
    alwaysatryin at gmail.com

  191. lisa said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

    fb lisamoss

  192. Trish said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  193. KennyWu said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  194. Anonymous said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!
    Facebook: Gluc Arthy
    Twitter: @GlArthy
    Digg: GluArthy

  195. Benjamin said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  196. Park Avenue Princess said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

    Amy Santos
    Twitter: @APrkAvePrincess
    Digg ParkAvePrinc
    FaceBook - Amy Santos

  197. Edward29 said...

    Any news on the January 12th Giveaways?

  198. Kimberly C. said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  199. http://www.twitter.com/ciesla504 said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"


  200. whitty999 -twitter said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

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