GIVEAWAY: Phillies Memories!

5/05/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind in pleased to offer a giveaway of
Phillies Memories!

Own it on DVD May 26, 2009!

Thanks to our friends at Shout! Factory
for this opportunity!

Product description: "Phillies history stretches from 1883 when they first took up residence at Recreation Park to 2008 when they celebrated their second World Series title with a joyous celebration at Citizens Bank Park. Narrated by the late Phillies Hall of Fame broadcaster Harry Kalas, the history of the Phillies is filled with awe-inspiring moments ranging from the monstrous home runs that Richie Allen and Greg Luzinski rocketed into the night to Lefy’s unbelievable 1972 season to the emotional parades down Broad Street in 1980 and 2008. Brimming with archival film clips, exclusive interviews, rare behind-the-scenes footage and sound from Major League Baseball Productions, the stories behind the greatest moments in Philadelphia Phillies history are told like never before.

Bonus Features:

* Legendary Last Outs
* “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” With Jimmy Rollins And Ryan Howard
* Rollins And Howard House Tour
* Last Out Of No-Hitters – Bunning, Wise, Mulholland, Greene, Millwood
* Extended Player Interviews
* Larry Andersen Sprays On Fake Hair"

The contest will end on June 21, 2009.

We are giving away FIVE copies.

To win on Twitter

  1. Follow us on Twitter. You must remain a follower for the duration of the contest.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.
  3. Tweet the following message as often as you wish to your readers. Each Tweet counts as one entry.
Just entered the Phillies Memories DVD contest! 5 copies! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. He follows back

To win if you're not on Twitter:

  1. Sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.

That's it!

Good luck!


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  1. Erica C. said...

    love them!

  2. Unknown said...

    I'd love to win!

  3. Andrew said...

    I've entered this.

  4. phackett57 said...

    we love our Phillies, thanks

  5. agordon10 said...

    my nephews would love this

  6. toughturtles said...



    i would love to win!!

  8. Diana D said...

    Husband would love this. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

    dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

  9. chromiumman said...


  10. phackett57 said...

    Love the phillies, thanks

  11. Anonymous said...

    please enter me!

  12. Brian said...

    sign me up!

  13. twbellamy said...

    My family is from Philly and they love the Phillies.

  14. Anonymous said...

    I entered.

  15. Anonymous said...

    I entered.

  16. amwhiteh said...


  17. Only Free Stuff Here said...

    I'm entered:

  18. said...

    I entered.

  19. said...

    I entered.

  20. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted and follow on twitter.

  21. KristenH said...

    I am a huge baseball fan and really hope I win this DVD as I would greatly enjoy watching it due to my love of baseball. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  22. Kathy P said...