GIVEAWAY: Tomb Detectives!

5/27/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Tomb Detectives!

Own it on DVD June 9, 2009!

Thanks to our friends at Infinity Entertainment Group
for this opportunity!

Product description: "Tomb Detectives investigates some of history’s gruesome deaths, unraveling ancient mysteries that have defied explanation for hundreds, even thousands, of years. In each episode of this six-part series, archaeological teams travel to remote and exotic locales around the globe, using state-of-the-art scientific techniques on their quest to reveal how and why the victims met their ends. Episodes include "Severed Skull," "Battlefield of Bones," "Bog Bodies," "Child Mummies," "Vampire Graves" and "Plague Mummies.'"

The contest will end on July 28, 2009.

We are giving away THREE copies.

To win on Twitter

  1. Follow us on Twitter. You must remain a follower for the duration of the contest.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.
  3. Tweet the following message as often as you wish to your readers. Each Tweet counts as one entry.
Just entered the Tomb Detectives DVD contest! 3 copies! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. He follows back

To win if you're not on Twitter:

  1. Sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.

That's it!

Good luck!


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  1. Douglas0327 said...

    This looks interesting. I am posting a tweet! Thank you

  2. Diana D said...

    I entered. Thanks

    dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

  3. Ingrid said...

    I entered by email.

  4. Mysharona said...

    great dvd

  5. huggr1960 said...

    I'm in! Thanks for the chance

  6. chromiumman said...

    sounds great

  7. Helen Keeler said...

    I entered this. Thanks.

  8. seaman93555 said...

    Whoohoo! I would love to win this one! I have been trying to win something for a while, but with little luck! - Hope that is about to change.

  9. Lorie Shewbridge said...

    sounds interesting!!

  10. jenni104 said...

    In it tweeting daily to win

  11. Anonymous said...

  12. amwhiteh said...


  13. misternat1 said...

    I'm in this one also

  14. ben said...

  15. Independentmami said...

    enter please.

  16. seaman93555 said...

    Whoohoo - now this is my kind of Movie! I hope I win!

  17. seaman93555 said...

    Whoohoo! I hope I win this one - it's one of my favorite shows!

  18. Dave said...

    These science shows are always fascinating. Thank you for the chance to win.

  19. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  20. LINDA said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  21. Elizabeth said...

    I love interesting contests. Thank you.

  22. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted and follow on twitter.

  23. seaman93555 said...

    Whoo hoo! I hope I win this - this would be such a cool win!

  24. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  25. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  26. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, I want this one

  27. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, I want this one!

  28. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, baby - I have been trying to get my hands on this one for a some time now!

  29. Bcteagirl said...

    This looks cool!

  30. Bcteagirl said...

    Tweeted! (same name)

  31. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  32. Samantha P said...



  33. seaman93555 said...

    Whoohoo - I hope I win this one! This is one of my favorite shows!

  34. Terra Heck said...

    I tweeted.


  35. seaman93555 said...

    Whoohoo - I hope I win this one - I have been an avid fan for since the series started.

  36. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, I want this one!

  37. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, I want this one, so enter me!

  38. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  39. seaman93555 said...

    Whoohoo - I hope I win this one - I wish...I wish...

  40. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  41. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  42. Natalie R D said...

    entered @_Natalie_P

  43. seaman93555 said...

    yeah, sign me up!

  44. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, I want this one!

  45. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  46. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  47. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, daily entry - have been wanting this one for sometime now - I hope I win!

  48. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, I want this one

  49. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  50. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  51. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, I want this one! I have wanted to add it to my collection for sometime now! I hope I win!

  52. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, I want this one

  53. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for a chance to win this giveaway. Thank you!

  54. Carol EL said...

    Daily giveaway.

  55. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, I want this one

  56. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, I want this one

  57. mich0825 said...

    I follow you on twitter. Please enter me for this giveaway.

  58. mich0825 said...

    tweeted again:)

  59. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  60. Richard Adams said...

    I'm Tweeting this one @ReallyLuckyDog

  61. iggabod said...

    tweet tweet

  62. seaman93555 said...

    Whoohoo - looks like a great show! I hope I win!

  63. Robin H. said...

    I follow


  64. Robin H. said...


  65. seaman93555 said...

    yeah, I want this one - so daily entry.

  66. mich0825 said...

    tweet again:)

  67. seaman93555 said...

    Yeah, daily entry - I hope I win this one!

  68. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  69. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  70. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  71. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  72. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  73. Ushpa said...

    I Love anything to do with the Smithsonian!

  74. seaman93555 said...

    Daily entry - I enjoy anything educational, so I think this would be great to win!

  75. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  76. WHOOPLA said...

    I love shows like this they are so interesting.

  77. SavvyShopper said...

    tweeted this.

  78. Karrie said...

    I entered

  79. Unknown said...

    I joined on Twitter and tweeted the giveaway.

  80. Unknown said...

    please enter me in the giveaway.


  81. KristenH said...

    This sounds like such an interesting DVD that my brother and I would really enjoy watching together considering the subject matter is so appealing to us. I really hope I win it so we can see it. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  82. Kathy P said...


  83. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!:)

  84. susansmoaks said...