WATCH: Taxidermia Trailer

Above is the new poster for the movie "Taxidermia." Click to supersize it.
Make of it what you wish, but yes, it does appear as if flames are shooting from his unmentionables. And this makes perfect sense, particularly when you view the film's surreal trailer, which makes me wish the movie was right here, right now. It looks fresh, original, entertaining, disturbing.
The official synopsis is this: "Taxidermia contains three generational stories, about a grandfather, a father, and a son, linked together by recurring motifs. The dim grandfather, an orderly during World War Two, lives in his bizarre fantasies; he desires love. The huge father seeks success as a top athlete — a speed eater — in the post-war pro-Soviet era. The grandson, a meek, small-boned taxidermist, yearns for something greater: immortality. He wants to create the most perfect work of art of all time by stuffing his own torso."
Well! Check out the trailer below (if you can't view it, just click the above link to go to the main page). The movie opens in limited release on August 14, 2009.
July 11, 2009 at 1:12 PM
Longer trailer also shows the part on the cover