Dude Look Like a Lady? Ryan Reynolds goes Drag for new Rom-Com

For Reynolds, the challenge is obvious--how to soften what you see at the left?
Cinematical says this about the movie:
Reynolds plays a man who gets dumped, presumably through some fault of his own because he decides that the way to win her [exgirlfriend] back is to befriend her. But naturally, he can’t just call her up and say “Can we still be friends? I need you in my life.” Instead, he decides to cross-dress as a woman, and become her best girlfriend.
So, yeah, the premise has a whiff of the *cough* familiar, but these movies usually pan out into a good time. And few actors are delivering more charm these days than Reynolds. He's on a hot streak--and it's always good to take chances when your career is hitting its stride. Surprise the audience now, not when you're desperate to do so.
One question: Who will apply his makeup? His wife, Scarlett Johansson? She knows a few things about how to pick up the girls and how to color her lips--but no. It better not be her--best to go for a drag queen in this situation. They know their way around covering a five o'clock shadow (pancake!)--and, let's face it, they know how to tuck what shouldn't be seen.
October 17, 2009 at 10:08 PM
One of the hottest guys ever!