10/03/2009 Posted by Admin

So, here's another one for you parents out there--an exclusive giveaway via our fan page on Facebook. It's "Donkey X" and its official product description is this:

Read more after the jump!

"Miguel de Cervantes's classic tale of an errant but idealistic knight gets retold from a new perspective in this animated comedy. In DONKEY X, Rucio (voice of Luis Posada) is a donkey owned by Sancho Panza (Andreu Buenafuente), and the animal offers to give the audience the inside scoop about his master's partner, Don Quixote (Jose Luis Gil). According to the donkey, Don Quixote was actually a handsome gentleman who longed for the hand of the beautiful Dulcinea (Sonia Ferrer). However, in this version of the story, Dulcinea has a hard time choosing between the knight and his loyal sidekick, and their rivalry leads them on a journey across Spain to Barcelona as they vie for the beautiful woman's affections. DONKEY X was directed by Jose Pozo, who previously brought a classic tale of Spain's past to the screen with 2003's EL CID: THE LEGEND."

To enter, comment on this post, become a fan of WeekinRewind on Facebook here and comment on the post on the Facebook page. The winner will be selected on October 8, 2009. It will ship soon thereafter.

That's it!

By the way, those seeking exclusive giveaways should become a fan of our Facebook page by clicking the below graphic and selecting "Become a Fan."

Good luck!


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  1. VegasLiz said...

    This looks cute!

  2. Dina said...

    this does look cute;
    also RT'd


  3. LeeAnn P. said...

    My kids would probably enjoy this. Thanks!

  4. Douglas0327 said...

    Wow, another Facebook giveaway already! You're awesome. I like Facebook better than twitter. Please count me in for a chance to win this. Thank you!

  5. Kelly g said...

    FB fan kelly catlin grant

  6. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for all your good giveaways!

  7. hilary said...

    commented on facebook as wel hilary , as i said there its great to be given the chance to win these lovely prizes for our children and our grandchildren , :)

  8. Andrew said...

    I've commented on Facebook.

  9. Caroline Hart said...

    Please include me

  10. Kathy P said...

    Thank you for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY.. Please count me in :)

  11. SlugBug said...

    Commented at the facebook link.
    Gary Smith

  12. Unknown said...

    My son would love this :D

  13. Ken said...

    We love Shrek and his friends. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  14. Christal said...

    count me in

  15. Kat C said...

    Entered for my nephew on Facebook
    Kathryn Church

  16. Kat C said...

    Tuesday entry is in
    Kathryn Church

  17. Kat C said...

    Tuesday afternoon entry is in
    Kathryn Church

  18. Anonymous said...

    I entered on Facebook.


  19. Unknown said...

    I entered on Facebook LeeAnn Church-Holland

  20. Kat C said...

    Tuesday night entry is in
    Kathryn "Church

  21. KristenH said...

    This looks like such a cute DVD. I really hope I win it so I can see it. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  22. Kat C said...

    Wednesday evening entry is in
    Kathryn Church