Robert Pattinson and Rupert Grint Face Off for Prince Harry Role

10/04/2009 Posted by Admin

And here we go!

Robert Pattinson (Twilight) and Rupert Grint (Harry Potter) are reportedly each being considered for the lead in the recently announced Prince Harry biopic, "The Spare."

Smack down!

More after the jump.

Director Peter Kosminsky is said to be seriously considering both actors for the movie, which will chronicle Harry's loss of his mother, Princess Diana, and his subsequent service in the British army in Afghanistan.

Certainly, you have some thoughts on this, so tell the world how you feel in the comments section: Who do you think should play Prince Harry, R-Pattz or Rupert?

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Rupert Grint, by far. His acting ability is, frankly, much higher than that of Robert Pattinson (and I'm not saying that because I'm a Twilight-hater...I actually enjoy those books/movies). Unfortunately, I think Robert Pattinson has the better "look" for Prince Harry, so we'll see who wins out!