Saturday, March 15, 2025

GIVEAWAY: Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life!

11/12/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life!

Own it on DVD Now!

Thanks to our friends at the BBC for this opportunity!

Product description: "Sir David Attenborough takes you on a deeply personal and visually spectacular journey to key locations around the world, showing you how he came to understand Darwin's revolutionary theory of evolution. This BBC production includes awe-inspiring wildlife photography. A feast for your eyes, from the world's leading naturalist."

The contest will end on January 12, 2010.

We are giving away THREE copies.

To win on Twitter

  1. Follow us on Twitter. You must remain a follower for the duration of the contest.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.
  3. Tweet the following message as often as you wish to your readers. Each Tweet counts as one entry.
Just entered the Charles Darwin DVD Contest! 3 copies! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. He follows back!

To win if you're not on Twitter:

  1. Sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.

That's it!

Those seeking exclusive giveaways not found here should become a fan of our Facebook page by clicking the below graphic and selecting "Become a Fan."

Good luck!


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  1. Ang said...

    I would love this one.


    twitter id: justanarmywife

    facebook email: justanarmywife09(at)yahoo(dot)com

  2. Andrew said...

    I've entered this.

  3. Douglas0327 said...

    I entered with an email. Thank you!

  4. AStarrA said...

    Entered! My husband would so dig this. Would make an awesome Christmas present for him!!!

  5. Jenbutterfly said...

    Tweet, Tweet.

  6. Christal said...

    @buffcubby on twitter entered

  7. Bcteagirl said...

    This sounds very interesting! I follow and would love to enter.


    teagirl1 at telus dot net

  8. misternat1 said...

    not up to tweeting but - I'm in this one too

  9. Logster55 said...


  10. AStarrA said...

  11. Anonymous said...

    Entered and retweeted.


  12. jurrel said...

    Please consider me entered to this giveaway! Thanks!

  13. Deb Anderson said...

    Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. hilary said...

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone
    from wel Hilary on facebook and @weldo48 on twitter ,

  15. ApexMI said...

    Happy Thanksgiving

  16. Andrew said...

    I'm commenting here for the 100 extra Thanksgiving weekend entries. Thanks!

  17. AppleJill said...

    In with 100 entries!

  18. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email entry for this giveaway. Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you!

  19. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email entry for this giveaway. Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you!

  20. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email entry for this giveaway. Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you!

  21. Cher said...


    ckachelmuss at gmail dot com

  22. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!

  23. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!

  24. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!

  25. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!

  26. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!

  27. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!

  28. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!

  29. Douglas0327 said...

    I sent an email. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries with this comment. Thank you!

  30. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it! Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you!

  31. Anonymous said...

    this would be great winter viewing,by the fire,,thx for contest.

  32. said...

    and I am following

  33. said...


  34. miss_moneymaker said...

    Entered & tweeted:

    sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

  35. kimberly said...

    i am a college professor

  36. Anonymous said...

    I entered this contest!

    Twitter: @darwinsbulldog

  37. James Tracy said...

    I entered. @jamesatracy

  38. Catherine McMullen said...

    Tweeted @ReadingMontana

    Follow us if you like Reading or Montana,

  39. Ushpa said...

    I'm looking forward to seeing this program. I've entered. Thanx.

  40. jmac said...

    I'm in for this one :-)

  41. TechyDad said...

    I've entered this contest.

    TechyDad at TechyDad dot com

  42. TechyDad said...

    Tweet tweet!

    TechyDad at TechyDad dot com

  43. K said...

    Follow & Tweeted!

  44. Karrie said...

    I entered by email

  45. Anonymous said...

    So far I've tweeted the Darwin contest 8 different days at @darwinsbulldog!

  46. said...


  47. djgroz said...

    I have entered this contest.

  48. Melanie said...

    I entered via twitter.

  49. יצחק said...

    retweeted yitzy4

  50. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted: