Thursday, March 13, 2025

NEW GIVEAWAY UPDATE: Playstation 3 Slim! 100 additional entries!

12/12/2009 Posted by Admin

NOTE: A NEW update--and it's just an update. If you've entered before, I have all your entries logged. Feel free to keep playing!

In the short time left before we giveaway the Playstation 3 Slim on December 23, 2009 for overnight delivery on December 24, we're once again shaking up this contest, our iPod Touch contest, and our MacBook Air contest--and adding new life to them.

Here's how it works. To receive your 100 additional entries, look to the buttons on the upper right of this post and share the link to this giveaway on your Facebook account. Also, comment on this post that you did so--we'll know if you did each.

It's the holiday season--which is the reason behind the sharing aspect of this giveaway.

Good luck!


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  1. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  2. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  3. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  4. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  5. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  6. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  7. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  8. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  9. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  10. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  11. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  12. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  13. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  14. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  15. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  16. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  17. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  18. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  19. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  20. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  21. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  22. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  23. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  24. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  25. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  26. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  27. AppleJill said...

    I shared on FB for 100 additional entries!

  28. AppleJill said...

    I retweeted for additional entries!

  29. Unknown said...

    Posted on Facebook :)

    I'll finally have something to do if I win! Haha.

  30. Joey said...

    shared, re-tweeted and dugg, + subscribed to your RSS

  31. Kimberly said...

    I would love to win this for my two teen kids!

    posted via facebook:

  32. Anonymous said...

    Mine was stolen from my house while I was in the hospital last week.

  33. Alex Duran said...

    I ENTERED! @AJD114

  34. phackett57 said...

    daily entry, thanks

  35. Unknown said...

    i want to win a PS3 Slim! I've retweeted =)

  36. Super_09 said...

    Shared : RomeGraha

    Tweeted : Super09

  37. said...

    shared with facebook friends and ReTweeted

  38. Anonymous said...

    Shared on FB!
    +100 entries to me please!

  39. Anonymous said...

    Tweet all the time!

  40. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  41. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  42. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  43. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  44. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  45. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  46. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  47. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  48. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  49. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  50. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  51. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  52. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  53. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  54. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  55. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  56. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  57. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  58. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  59. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  60. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  61. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  62. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  63. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  64. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  65. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  66. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  67. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  68. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  69. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  70. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  71. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  72. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  73. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  74. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  75. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  76. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  77. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  78. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  79. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  80. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  81. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  82. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  83. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook

  84. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook

  85. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook

  86. Anonymous said...

    twittered @thelucky4

  87. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!! I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  88. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!! I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  89. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!! I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  90. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!! I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  91. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!! I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  92. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!! I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  93. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  94. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  95. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  96. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  97. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  98. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  99. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  100. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  101. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  102. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  103. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  104. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  105. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  106. Sam said...

    Following on twitter and tweeted on twitter!



  107. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  108. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  109. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  110. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  111. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  112. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  113. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  114. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  115. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  116. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook

  117. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook

  118. El Tracio said...

    Chris P. Kali shared, CantoPerTe retweeted and I'm commenting.

  119. AppleJill said...

    I retweeted!


  120. Sunny said...

    I shared the link on FB and I re-tweeted as well.... This would make the BEST gift for our family!!!

  121. Anonymous said...

    I re-tweeted @avalon007 and posted on my facebook account (Alyn D Sigworth). Thanks! Alyn

  122. @graywolfpack said...

    am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  123. @graywolfpack said...

    am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  124. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  125. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  126. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  127. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  128. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  129. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  130. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack

  131. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  132. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  133. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  134. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  135. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  136. phackett57 said...

    daily entry, thanks

  137. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it!
    I just shared on Facebook. Please count me in for an extra 100 entries. Thank you so very much!

  138. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  139. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  140. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  141. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  142. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  143. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  144. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  145. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  146. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  147. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  148. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  149. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook

  150. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook

  151. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook

  152. 3amjosh said...


  153. jellosheriff said...

    Shared on FB - jj jellosheriff

  154. Anonymous said...

    Shared on FB and RT @lindamac7

    hrtsdzyer at aol dot com

  155. Chris Channer said...

    Shared it on FB ad following

  156. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  157. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  158. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  159. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  160. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  161. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  162. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  163. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  164. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

  165. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  166. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  167. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  168. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  169. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on Facebook. Please count me in for another 100 extra entries. Thank you!

  170. myviolinsings said...

    RT'd & shared on FB just now for 100 add'l entries.

  171. phackett57 said...

    I'd really love to win this, thanks

  172. Anonymous said...

    I shared on Facebook! Nice of you to create so many awesome contests, WIR ;)

  173. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  174. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  175. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  176. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  177. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  178. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  179. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  180. Sara said...

    Shared on Facebook! Sara Cicciu

  181. Jess L said...

    Shared on Facebook

  182. Jess L said...

    tweeted @jesslag

  183. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  184. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  185. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  186. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  187. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  188. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  189. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  190. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  191. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  192. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I am a fan and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  193. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  194. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  195. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  196. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  197. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  198. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again

    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest.

  199. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

  200. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook
    I tweeted the contest

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