Thursday, March 13, 2025

NEW GIVEAWAY UPDATE: Playstation 3 Slim! 100 additional entries!

12/12/2009 Posted by Admin

NOTE: A NEW update--and it's just an update. If you've entered before, I have all your entries logged. Feel free to keep playing!

In the short time left before we giveaway the Playstation 3 Slim on December 23, 2009 for overnight delivery on December 24, we're once again shaking up this contest, our iPod Touch contest, and our MacBook Air contest--and adding new life to them.

Here's how it works. To receive your 100 additional entries, look to the buttons on the upper right of this post and share the link to this giveaway on your Facebook account. Also, comment on this post that you did so--we'll know if you did each.

It's the holiday season--which is the reason behind the sharing aspect of this giveaway.

Good luck!


  • Digg
  • StumbleUpon
  • Yahoo! Buzz
  • Technorati
  • Facebook
  • TwitThis
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  • Slashdot
  • Netvibes


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1416   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Anonymous said...

    I want a 1000 entries....Please!

    I wanna win for my son!


  2. Stephanie said...

    Posted on facebook.

  3. camper223 said...

    i will reweet thank you for the chance will sign at facebook too

  4. silverneon2000 said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  5. silverneon2000 said...



    silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com

  6. Not Everyones Mama said...

    twitter -

    emailing you the location!

  7. dreemedayze said...

    Reweeted and Facebooked. Digg as well. :) Gonig on the manhunt now!

  8. Anonymous said...

    I just sent a tweet.

  9. Maria said...

    I have ReTweeted the contest & e-mailed you the review page.

    1000 entries ftw!


  10. John said...

    I RT'd on my twitter:

    twitter. com/johng500

  11. AppleJill said...

    I tweeted for 1000 entries!

  12. Anonymous said...

    shared on facebook under K-Le AlterEgo.
    retweeted on twitter under beaconbear
    dugg on digg under facebook login name K-Le AlterEgo (beaconbear)

  13. Jody (concisecactus) said...

    I RT'd the 1000 entry update.


  14. Jenbutterfly said...

    I retweeted. (twitter name Jenbutterfly).

    jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com

  15. Douglas0327 said...

    I shared on facebook,posted a tweet on twitter, and dugg on digg. I sent an email with the review. Please count me in for the extra 1000 entries. Thank you!

  16. Lynne said...

    Excellent idea off to start hunting.
    Twittering away as @smithalso

  17. Edward29 said...

    Please enter me in for 1000 entries.
    I've emailed the review, retweeted, posted on Facebook, and
    Dugg on Digg

  18. Sara said...

    I Dugg! Emailing my list now :)

  19. phackett57 said...

    I tweeted & FB, thanks for the 1,000 extra entries

  20. Unknown said...

    I entered this contest using my twitter,

  21. Kawtay said...

    I've tweeted and shared on FB for 1000 entries.

    Twitter name: @brokentoyplanes


  22. Unknown said...

    I wanna win! @hoodlumbubo

  23. ~dab said...

    I tweeted for my 1K entries

  24. Chris P K said...

    Thank you.

    Shared on twitter:

  25. ~dab said...

    found the red Playstation 3 slim, and emailed you.

  26. kevin said...

    did it.....Kevinsgrimm

  27. Andy said...


  28. moneymaker22 said...

    Shared the post on Twitter

    Emailing you now with the title to the review.

  29. Ľubaša said...

    thanks for 1000 entries

  30. Andrew said...

    I've shared on Facebook and retweeted:

    andrewlee67 at aim dot com

  31. @graywolfpack said...

    I tweeted the contest
    and I emailed you the location from

  32. biiisma said...

    i twitted !!!

    and posted in FB

  33. Fibro Fog and More... said...

    I shared this on Facebook, retweeted and shared on Digg. Thanks for hosting the contest!

  34. BadBoyNMD said...

    reposted on Twitter

  35. Geezersbox said...


  36. Punked Mom said...


  37. medicgeek said...

    ok, retweeted, share on fb, and comment but can't digg. It stated that the url is too long!! Anyway, to fix this??
    Will email in a while =)

    fb:jonathan smith
    twitter: wmgeek

  38. rholst26 said...

    Ok I posted On face book where are my extra thousand extra entries

  39. medicgeek said...

    yeap!! dugg the post~

    fb:jonathan smith
    twitter: wmgeek

  40. Cricket said...

    Entered and retweeted

  41. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted -

  42. Anonymous said...

    Tweeted :

    1,000 Entries emailed

  43. Dawana said...

    Retweeted for 1,000 extra entries. @ABittersweet1

  44. CATHIE said...

    tweeted @greatmasteryoda

  45. Anonymous said...

    tweeted love to win

  46. phackett57 said...

    daily entry, thanks for the 1,000 extra entries

  47. Fides said...

    retweeted by @fidesfashion

    now on the hunt for the movie title...

  48. Scott said...

    Dugg! (Digg #10) and emailed!

  49. Nicole Brady said...

    I retweeted!

  50. ktwdg said...

    RT using the button but the FB button stalled out.


  51. phackett57 said...

    daily entry,thanks

  52. Unknown said...

    Retweeted it plus found the review

  53. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  54. Kristin said...

    posted on facebook :)

  55. phackett57 said...

    daily entry, thanks

  56. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  57. Kendra said...

    Tweeted about this here:

  58. Bryan Wilson said...

    I made sure to share on my Digg, Facebook, and Twitter!

    Digg -

    Facebook -

    Twitter - @bwilson82

    I've wanted a slim Playstation 3 since they came out! I haven't been able to afford one so I hope I win! Thanks again for this great opportunity!

  59. Anonymous said...

    Tweeted! Thanks:)


  60. Heather said...

    I tweeted (hkhart)
    I added on fb (heatherkhart)
    I digg/dugg (hkhart)

  61. BobTheWizard said...

    shared in facebook, tweeted, and hidden Playstation3 posted in the review.

    Thanks for the 1000 entries

  62. phackett57 said...

    I'm in, thanks

  63. KimberlyFDR said...

    Retweeted and I'm emailing you the location of the code now! :)

  64. Anonymous said...

    WooHoo found it and e-mailed ya! Also shared on Facebook - My ID Luv2CUSmile - Thx so much!

  65. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  66. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  67. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  68. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest
    and emailed your answers.

  69. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest
    and emailed your answers.

  70. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  71. Timmmah! said...

    Hoping I win! Thanks!

  72. phackett57 said...

    I'm in, thanks

  73. Ginny said...

    i tweeted


  74. Ginny said...

    shared on facebook ginny71

  75. Ginny said...

    i am a subscriber

  76. Douglas0327 said...

    I shared on facebook and posted a tweet on twitter. Please count me in for a chance to win. Thank you!

  77. Ginny said...

    i digged, eginny

  78. Luv2CUSmile said...

    Retweet! Thx again! Looks like I am supposed to leave seperate posts for everything?? WOW! So how do the extra 1000 entries work?

  79. JanSKay said...

    Retweeted, FB, and Dugg again :)

  80. Andrew said...

    I shared the link on Facebook.

  81. Kat C said...

    Thanks Chris I shared on Facebook for the entries
    Kathryn Church

  82. Edward29 said...

    Just shared on Facebook for 100 additional entries.

  83. Kn Yo said...

    I shared!

  84. brizmus said...

    I did all three
    facebook - Audrey Baker
    dugg - brizmus
    retweet - @brizmus

  85. Kristin said...

    Posted on facebook. :)

  86. Pricousins said...

    Shared on Facebook.

  87. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on Facebook. Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you!

  88. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  89. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  90. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  91. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  92. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  93. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  94. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  95. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  96. @graywolfpack said...

    I am entering the contest over and over until I reach a gazillion entries, or 12-23 which ever comes first!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feeds on My Yahoo.
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack.
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  97. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  98. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  99. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  100. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  101. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  102. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  103. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  104. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  105. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  106. @graywolfpack said...

    Count me in again. I haven’t reached a gazillion entries yet!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  107. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  108. Andy said...

    Daily Entry!


    andysolognier @ gmail dot com

  109. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  110. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  111. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  112. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  113. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  114. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  115. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  116. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  117. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  118. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  119. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  120. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  121. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  122. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  123. @graywolfpack said...

    This would make an awesome Christmas gift! Count me in again and again!!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  124. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  125. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  126. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  127. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  128. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  129. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  130. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  131. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  132. @graywolfpack said...

    Another batch of entries for me Happy Holidays everyone!
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I tweeted the contest and emailed your answers.

  133. KimberlyFDR said...

    Shared on Facebook! :D

  134. Anonymous said...

    I'm a facebook fan.

  135. Miss-E said...

    Shared on facebook!

  136. SlugBug said...

    Shared on Facebook for 100 extra entries.

  137. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted and dugg.

  138. gabriell said...

    I've posted on Facebook and Twitter..

  139. BobTheWizard said...

    Shared on Facebook and retweeted!

    Thanks Christopher!


  140. Maria said...

    Shared on facebook.

    - Maria J.

  141. daren771 said...

    Shared on facebook and twitter. :)

  142. Anonymous said...

    I posted to my facebook for the playstation extra entries. Thanks Much

  143. ~dab said...

    done :)

  144. henhenmac said...

    tweeted and facebooked!

  145. Santiago B. said...

    I entered.

  146. Colo12 said...

    Thank love to win for my daughter.. Thank you

  147. raz said...

    Shared on facebook:

  148. Diane Bassette said...

    I shared on facebook :)

  149. Anonymous said...

    Just shared on facebook

  150. phackett57 said...

    I'm in, thanks

  151. Deanna said...

    I shared the link to the giveaway on Facebook -

  152. smartshopper2 said...

    I clicked through & posted this to my facebook page.

  153. Steve D said...

    Shared on FB.

  154. Stylista Fitness said...

    shared on fb

  155. VioletS said...

    Shared on FB and Retweeted
    violet_c_smith at hotmail dot com

  156. Catherine said...

    I've shared on Facebook! Your friendly facebook fan, twitter follower & blog poster! :)
    @NeboBeads on twitter

  157. יצחק said...

    I did
    Yitzy Shizgal

  158. Geezersbox said...

    Shared on Facebook!

  159. @graywolfpack said...

    Shared to my facebook page

  160. Sunnygirl1204 said...

    Updated on Facebook and following on Twitter my son really wants this

  161. Becky said...

    Posted to my facebook page and tweeted.

  162. silverneon2000 said...

    This would be great for my oldest son.

    Shared on facebook=Londia Berk

    and tweeted

    Thank you for the chance

    silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com

  163. said...

    Hi I want my 1000 bonus entries..
    I shared link with facebook friends, and retweeted

  164. said...

    Hi I want my 1000 bonus entries..
    I shared link with facebook friends, and retweeted :)

  165. CrSchilliger said...

    I retweeted & facebook'd. Hoping for an upside to this currently crummy holiday time.


  166. Akira07 said...

    Just facebooked on :

    Give me 100 additional entry :P

  167. Chris P Kali said...

    Shared (Chris P Kali) and Dugg (CantoPerTe) it.

  168. Sophie said...

    Facebooked and tweeted. My Twitter ID is sophiesaurus. You can go to my Facebook profile to verify that I shared this giveaway :)

  169. debpaiz said...

    I RT'd on my twitter:


  170. The CyberWeasel said...

    consider it shared!

  171. Douglas0327 said...

    I am in it to win it! I just shared on Facebook. Please count me in for 100 extra entries. Thank you!

  172. phackett57 said...

    daily entry, thanks

  173. phackett57 said...

    daily entry, thanks

  174. ajbk4life1 said...

    i tweeted this and on facebook.


  175. medicgeek said...

    wooopss...enter for 100 entries updates.

    shared on fb
    fb: Jonathan Smith
    twitter: wmgeek
    digg: hsmcd

  176. John said...

    Tweeted on my Twitter account...Thanks for the opportunity!!!

  177. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on Facebook. Please count me in for an additional 100 entries. Thank you so very much!

  178. Bill K said...

    Shared for playstation!%20100%20additional%20entries!%3A%20Movie%20Reviews%2C%20Trailers%2C%20Photos%2C%20Posters%2C%20News%2C%20Giveaways%20%7C%20Week%20in%20Rewind%2FMovies&src=sp

  179. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  180. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  181. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  182. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  183. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  184. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  185. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  186. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  187. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  188. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  189. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  190. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  191. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  192. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  193. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  194. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  195. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  196. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  197. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  198. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  199. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

  200. @graywolfpack said...

    As you say, “I’m in it to win it!” so count me in again and again
    I subscribe to your email at
    I subscribe to your RSS feed at My Yahoo
    I follow you on twitter @graywolfpack
    I am a fan on facebook and I shared on facebook

    I tweeted the contest.

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