Gogol Bordello: "Transcontinental Hustle" Music Review
Gogol Bordello: "Transcontinental Hustle"
By our guest blogger, Megan O'Malley
Gogol Bordello burst onto the music scene a decade ago with their brand of punk music. Infused with a nomad-like quality and an Eastern European swagger, the group was at the forefront of the gypsy punk movement. Their latest album, “The Transcontinental Hustle
The first few songs of the album sound strikingly similar to their previous works. The guitar riffs and style of singing is exactly like “Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike” and “Super Taranta!” Although “The Transcontinental Hustle” is still good, it’s a tad too reminiscent of their earlier works--they have yet to move forward with their sound. Gogol Bordello has shown that the gypsy punk movement is not dead, but they have yet to show us what else they can do.
Even if “The Transcontinental Hustle” is a bit too much like their earlier works, the songs still rock. This album shows that although they haven’t added anything new to their sound they have chosen instead to perfect the sound they already cultivated. “My Companjera” is pretty sweet; the frantic violin makes the song. Meanwhile, “Sun Is On My Side” is more intimate sounding then listeners are used too and it’s a nice change of pace for this gypsy punk band. “Immigraniada” is good, but nothing new. They have incorporated a more worldly sound, particularly on the song “When Universes Collide.” The title track is a fun piece of work and probably my favorite of the album.
They stayed static in their sound over the past ten years, which is annoying to fans who have been listening since the beginning. “The Transcontinental Hustle” is a good album to start with but for those wanting to get into the world of gypsy punk. Gogol Bordello is still a great band, perfect for those days when you just want to be an angry gypsy. (We’ve all had those haven’t we?) I still dig the album but I want to hear what else they can do.
May 24, 2010 at 11:46 AM
yeah check out this video - Supertaranta http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid36696665001?bctid=78289165001 they are def one of the best live bands these days