Tuesday, March 18, 2025

GIVEAWAY: Ninja's Creed on DVD!

7/11/2010 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of Ninja's Creed on DVD!

Own it on DVD on July 20, 2010!

Thanks to our friends at Lionsgate for this opportunity!

Product description: "When a female assassin is sent to the U.S. to kill the last living heir to the modern-day Himalayan Kingdom, a royal soldier is also sent to protect the primcess. When he is face-to-face with the assassin, his duty to the Kingdom becomes compromised. As they battle, secrets are uncovered and the line between good and evil is erased. Only one mission can be completed and only one person can survive."

The contest will end on August 31, 2010.

We are giving away THREE copies.

To win on Facebook:

  1. See the "Share" button in the upper right of this screen?  Click there to share this on your Facebook account.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you did so.

To win on Twitter:

  1. Follow us on Twitter. You must remain a follower for the duration of the contest.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.
  3. Tweet the following message as often as you wish to your readers. Each Tweet counts as one entry.
Entered the Ninja's Creed DVD Contest! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. http://xr.com/ofi He follows back!

To win if you're not on Twitter:

  1. Sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.

That's it!

Those seeking exclusive giveaways not found here should become a fan of our Facebook page by clicking the below graphic and selecting "LIKE."

Good luck!


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  1. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/18309398991
    subscriber graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  2. Andrew said...

    I "liked" this on Facebook.

  3. Helen Keeler said...

    I "liked" this on Facebook.

  4. Christal said...

    @buffcubby tweeted

  5. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  6. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  7. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  8. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  9. contestcrow said...

    shared on fb : http://www.facebook.com/#!/mataillefer?v=wall&story_fbid=139100052784198&ref=mf

    sinhead83 at hotmail dot com

  10. contestcrow said...

    tweet : http://twitter.com/sinhead83/status/18782021815

    sinhead83 at hotmail dot com

  11. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  12. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  13. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  14. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  15. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  16. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  17. Mary said...


  18. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  19. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  20. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  21. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  22. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  23. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  24. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  25. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  26. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  27. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  28. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  29. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  30. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  31. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  32. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  33. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  34. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  35. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  36. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  37. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  38. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  39. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  40. Cynthia Teer said...

    I have posted on Facebook.
    Wish me luck :)

  41. Cynthia Teer said...

    I have posted on Facebook.
    Wish me luck :)

  42. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  43. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  44. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  45. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  46. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  47. phackett57 said...

    tweeted, thanks

  48. KristenH said...

    I entered this contest via Twitter. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

  49. NvsOne said...

    I tweeted http://twitter.com/nvsone/statuses/22664735110