UPDATE: Charlie Sheen Sex Tape?!
Celebrity News
By our guest blogger, Nick Hanover
In what is quite possibly the understatement of the century, Charlie Sheen explained his refusal to enter rehab earlier this week with this statement: "People don't seem to get it....Guy can't have a great time and do his job also?" Yes, that's right, Sheen feels his latest string of adventures was merely the actor and friends having a "Great time." But maybe Sheen is just having a difficult time remembering what, exactly, he did. Lucky for him, news is now breaking that there may be a sex tape involved.
Radar, as ever, is the first on the Sheen scene. In a video interview with one of Sheen's "friends" named "Felony" (seriously), Radar discovers that Sheen allegedly made the tape as practice for a series of porn films he wanted to begin releasing called, hold on, "Charlie's Devils." Sheen has yet to address the situation specifically, but he did tell E! Online that maybe people should be more worried about "Egypt being burned down to the ground" than his "bulls**t." This marks the first time in history Charlie Sheen has made a valid point about anything.
It does bear repeating that Sheen has a long, widely publicized obsession with porn stars. Legendary Hollywood madam and plastic surgery disaster Heidi Fleiss came out to defend Sheen, formerly a client of hers, with what is so far the most bizarrely logical statement about the whole Sheen debacle, essentially stating that we should leave Sheen alone because at least he's "keeping the economy moving." It's true, nothing keeps the U.S. economy afloat like hookers and blow.
The big question about this sex tape, though, is what impact it will have on Sheen's declaration that, "like Errol Flynn" he needs to put his "sword" down, at least for a little while.
February 5, 2011 at 3:19 AM
Well if he has a sex tape so be it, doesn't everyone now? Hell even Screech has a sex tape LOL!
Sheen's the man with a life most people could aspire to afford. America is too obsessed with rehab lately. The guy wants to have a "great time" & it seems like he is. People need to leave him be.
February 5, 2011 at 11:15 AM
its more of a shock that he wasn't found dead of a drug overdose by now.