Friday, March 14, 2025

"American Idol" Season 10: Episode 19

3/18/2011 Posted by Admin

"American Idol" Season 10: Episode 19

Television Review

By our guest blogger, Catherine Fuentes

Last week I felt that the American public got their elimination correct. Ashthon Jones gave the weakest performance of the night by far, and she got sent home.

I didn’t even predict Karen Rodriguez to be in the Bottom Three because I have always found her to be so insanely likable, and really quite talented. While her performance from Wednesday night certainly was in the bottom half of the night, I don’t think it warranted elimination.

However, the other two in the Bottom Three, Naima and Haley, I felt deserved to be there, and barring some incredible performances in the coming weeks, I think the two of them will be fixtures in the Bottom Three until they each go home. I think Naima chooses some of the best songs and puts some of the most unique spins on them, but her voice is consistently pitchy and she’s proven herself to be the weakest singer of the competition.

I’ve always wondered about Haley, and have not always been her biggest supporter. Sure, I think she’s likable, and I like the raspy growly quality to her voice, but I think she makes the poorest song choices of the competition.

Back to Karen, the girl who got sent home too soon. In her sing for her life swan song, she completely blew it, but personally, I’m always astounded when contestants give the performance of their life in that crushing, high pressure moment. After being told that I received the least votes, I’m not sure that I could get on top of my emotions and sing for safety. To me, this made her even more endearing to me. The judges debated, it wasn’t an unanimous vote, but they elected to not save her. Not surprising. It is far too early in the competition to save someone (unless, that person was say, Casey Abrams or Pia, who just happened to not connect with the viewers, but have been consistently stellar).

Thia promised to do better next week, and not go further down a path where she is seen as a one-trick pony who can only sing ballads. Does this mean that next week she’ll sing something upbeat? Or just come across as a little more animated?

I foresee either entirely female, or at least female dominated, Bottom Threes for the next couple of weeks. I can’t imagine who will be the first male to crack the bottom, because with the exception of Lauren and Pia, the guys have proven themselves to be the most consistent performers of the season.

Last year’s off-key winner Lee DeWyze hit the stage, giving a lackluster performance, and probably looking at the pool of male talent this year, thanking his lucky stars he was on the show last year.

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