GIVEAWAY: Playstation 3 Update (11/30)

11/30/2008 Posted by Admin

Nov. 30, 2008: Okay, now time is seriously running out on this giveaway (LESS THAN THREE WEEKS!), so if you're in it to win it, here is another shot to get your name in our database as often as possible. And yes--pictured above is the one we're giving away. And I can't wait to do it!

To win, we're continuing to make it easy, just as we are in our iPod Touch Giveaway. This time, just go to the A-Z directory on the right margin (just below my face), and start clicking through the listings until you find a variation of the word "Playstation 3" in a sentence at the end of the review.

Not hard at all, particularly if you look through the I or U sections.

(If you've missed previous entries, look through the S, H (there are two in the H section), N, B, K (there are two in the K section), D, T, C, L, W, M, P, F, B, V, W, E, G and A sections. Those still count, so LOOK FOR THEM AND EMAIL THE ANSWERS.)

The word will be in red. Once you find it, go to this page, fill out the information, send me an email with the name of the listing that has "Playstation 3" at the end of the review, and you'll be in it to win it!


You may enter once per day for the duration of the contest.

This contest will be updated several times (at least once a week) with new locations where the word can be found, thus increasing your chances of winning if you email me the locations and leave comments on the contest page.

The contest ends on December 18, 2008, and the Playstation 3 will be shipped overnight to the winner. So, you can either keep it for yourself or go all crazy and give it away as a holiday gift.

IMPORTANT: To further increase your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so below in the "Comments" or "Post a Comment" section. You also can also do this once per day. THIS IS CRITICAL TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES TO WIN--SO LEAVE A COMMENT DAILY!

In other words, with this particular contest, the more you leave comments and email me the location of the hidden word, the higher your chances of winning.

Good luck!


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  1. Anonymous said...

    im the first one to post and YAY playstation 3

  2. Riri said...

    I really want to win this prize! I also have found the perfect game to play on it! Rock Band. I played for the first time on Saturday, what a hoot. I loved playing Rock band, I really hope I win this prize.

  3. Ken said...

    It's about time for me to go from the ps2 to ps3. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  4. rebecca said...

    I am on my way to finding the next entry location! Yay

  5. Steve D said...

    Today: I'm in it to win it.

  6. Anonymous said...

    I'm in this to win. Another entry to hope I win this great Playstation 3

  7. Anonymous said...

    I really need a ps3, I have no TV reception so at least I could play on it.

  8. sixfoot said...

    Here's my daily entry.

    Thanks Christopher!

  9. Cary G said...

    I'm in it.
    Let's win it!

  10. Anonymous said...

    Back again!

  11. Anonymous said...

    One more time.

  12. Anonymous said...

    Another day,another chance to win and another comment.Thank you very much for the wonderful prize.

  13. Ken said...

    Email returned today. Mailbox full.

  14. sixfoot said...

    I think I'll try one more time ;-)

  15. ktouton said...

    another great item for under the tree

  16. Anonymous said...

    I really want to win this Playstation 3.

  17. sixfoot said...

    and again... thanks!

  18. sixfoot said...


  19. Cary G said...

    So, this is still good too, right?