Will He Do It?

11/30/2008 Posted by Admin

Will Mickey Rourke do it? Will he turn it around and score an Academy Award nomination? He's been generating buzz aplenty for his performance in Darren Aronofsky's "The Wrestler," and if there's any genre that can lift a dead career, it's the sports genre.

But beyond that and how much Hollywood loves a comeback (never underestimate that--it's ratings gold), check out the many clips below to see just how good he appears to be in this movie, and just how good the movie itself looks.

(Click on the above posters to supersize them.)

I'm watching the film tonight at home in preparation for voting for the Broadcast Film Critics' Critics Choice Awards, which are the season's first major awards show. For those who are interested, it airs on VH1 on January 8, 2009.

I'll be reviewing the movie soon; in the meantime, check out footage of the film below:


Clip: Crying

Clip: Wrestling Match

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